M-am întors mai puternică – I came back stronger

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Viața nu ne dă mereu ce ne dorim, însă poate să ne ia tot ce avem

Hey! M-am întors 🙂 E bine să te întorci. Mi-a fost dor de voi.

În ultimele săptămâni mi-am concentrat atenția asupra celei mai bune prietene, Cătălina, care a plecat pentru totdeauna în Anglia. La mama ei, care locuiește acolo. Ne știm de când aveam 6 ani. Ceea ce pentru noi înseamnă de-o viață.

Durerea plecării ei a pus stăpânire pe mine și va trebui să mă descurc fără ea. Fără bunătatea ei. Fără micile ei răutăți :)) Fără sfaturile ei oferite din inimă. Fără clipele în care simțeam toată fericirea pe care mi-o oferea. Fără momentele superbe pe care le-am trăit împreună. Vezi video!

Dar, până la urmă, viața nu ne dă mereu ce ne dorim, însă poate să ne ia tot ce avem 😦

Vă mulțumesc tuturor celor care prin comentarii și e-mailuri v-ați interesat de soarta mea.

Oricum, știți că vă iubesc, nu-i așa?


❤ ❤ ❤

P.S. – Pe blogul meu foto am pregătit pentru voi câteva superbe hortensii, în materialul “Don’t you love Hydrangea?


Life doesn’t give us always what we want, but she can take all we have

Hey! I am back. 🙂 It’s good to be back. I missed you all.

Last weeks I focused my all attention on my best friend, Catalina, who has gone forever in England. To her mother, who lives there. We’ve been together since we were 6. Which for us means a lifetime.

Her departure is very painful for me and I will have to live without her. Without her kindness. Without hers little evil moments :)) Without her advice offered from the heart. Without all the moments when I felt all the happiness she gave me. Without the great moments that we lived together. Watch the video!

But, after all, life doesn’t give us always what we want, but she can take all we have 😦

I thank all those who through comments and emails were interested in my destiny.

Anyway, you know I love you, right?


❤ ❤ ❤

P.S. – On my photo blog, I have prepared for you some gorgeous flowers, “Don’t you love Hydrangea?”

43 thoughts on “M-am întors mai puternică – I came back stronger

  1. So good to hear from you Monica, I’ve missed your smiling voice here. I’m sorry to hear about your best friend leaving, I can imagine it must be so hard. Cherish all those sweet memories. Hugs to you.


  2. …life doesn’t give us always what we want – you are right, Monica. …but she can take all we have – best words you can think of to send to her. I’m sure Catalina appreciates it very much. Be strong, Monica. ❤


  3. Hey Monica, I can feel how sad it is when a dear frn goes away to a distant land. It happened with me many years ago when there was no phone or internet and we exchanged letters to feel the others presence! 🙂

    The video you shared is so lovely! You people are really great friends. I wish you two continue to nurture friendship in new ways now 🙂

    Welcome back! U were really missed 🙂


  4. Sorry to hear your friend is leaving for England, I know having a childhood friend leave is quite heartbreaking. But you will always stay in touch and I say this from experience that distance rarely affects friendship!

    Also such a lovely video, it’s these little fun moments that stay with us forever. And good to have you back Monica! Cheers 💕


  5. Imi pare rau ca a plecat dar sunt sigura ca veti tine legatura pe internet si va veti vizita la un moment dat. Viata e imprevizibila.. Ma bucur ca esti bine si ca ai revenit!


  6. I am also very happy to see you back, Mon! Now I know the reason, you did right that you gave your every time to your friend! Can I tell you that you are the luckiest girl ever to have such a true friend, it can happen only once in your life and you are lucky. Distance won’t be an obstacle if your friendship is real one! Everything will be fine, you will see! You will meet a lot of nice people on your life way! Something tells me that you are going to be a bright star or you are already!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Girl/woman friends are the best…you will find this the older you get my friend. You will never lose her no matter how old you get or where she goes. I just turned 60 and still have friends from high school! The video is a great reminder. At least you guys now have so many ways to stay in touch! xo

    Liked by 1 person

  8. You two are adorable! I love the video! I could feel the love you two carry for each other. Nothing like feeling complete happiness even if it is for a little while. I love the song too! Wonderful! ❤️😉 I’ve missed you but glad you had someone loving you completely while you were away! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. We do love you back. Well let’s be thankful for technology, you can keep in touch, you can even sip coco together😄😂😁just now I was telling my bff that we haven’t seen in 6 years, mind you we stay in the same country, just miles apart. I only feel it once in a while because we talk almost all the time. Just imagine if this was the stone-age…shudders😂😂😂

    Liked by 1 person

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