Romanian Xmas delights: cabbage rolls with polenta

There is only 1 day until Christmas. So, I will show you some of the Romanian traditional food for the Christmas party. In fact, I present you the best recipe I have found on the internet.

sarmale-02I begin with the one of the best food ever which I love it: Cabbage rolls with polenta

Traditional Romanian Cabbage Rolls are made with sour cabbage stuffed with pork and beef and a little bit of bacon, the best cabbage rolls you will ever have.

How to do it yourself you will find out reading the site of Jo Cooks here.

sarmaleWhat is not said on that site is that cabbage rolls are more tasty with polenta and a chilli.

I hope you will enjoy that because is more than delicious 🙂 

Here you can read a fabulous story about cabbage rolls and a former south-American president.

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