Trăim subjugați – We live enslaved


Diferențele ne fac speciali, dar societatea le respinge

Se spune: “Părerile altora nu contează!”. Eu cred că nu e în totalitate adevărat. Până la urmă trăim într-o societate și avem reguli. Tind să cred că e bine să fii diferit, dar în limitele societății.

Societatea ne limitează visele si dorințele

Diferențele ne fac speciali, dar societatea le respinge, ne face să ne închidem în noi și să ne ferim de cei din jurul nostru, să ne fie frică de critici. Ne limitează visele si dorințele. Ne face inumani. Să fim toți jucăriile unui maestru păpușar, care face ce vrea din noi. Pierzându-ne personalitatea, ideile, originalitatea.

Într-o zi vom ajunge dominați, toți la fel, lipsiți de scrupule… Roboți fără sentimente. Sclavii propriei gândiri, influențate de părerile mulțimii. O să fim conduși de bani și putere. O să ne temem să spunem ceva diferit. Nu o să mai avem păreri… Iar asta deja se întâmplă.

Singura libertate e pe stradă, acolo unde fiecare își poate face regulile lui

De mici ni se spune să ne exprimăm liber, dar singura libertate e pe stradă, acolo unde fiecare își poate face regulile lui, indiferent de ceea ce cred ceilalți, dar în limita normalului impus de societate.

Pentru că vrem sau nu…

Așa trebuie să trăim: subjugați!!!

Înainte de a pleca, aruncați o privire pe blog-ul meu de fotografii. Acolo veți găsi niște “Umbre pe zăpadă” 🙂


Differences make us special, but the society rejects them

It’s said: „No matter what others think!”. I think this is not entirely true. We live in a society and we have rules. I tend to think it is good to be different, but within society’s limits. 

The society limits our dreams and desires

Differences make us special, but the society rejects them, making us to be afraid by the people around us, to be afraid by criticism. The society limits our dreams and desires. The society makes us inhuman. Makes us toys in a puppeteer’s hands. In this way, we lose our personality, our ideas, our originality.

Someday we’ll get dominated, all the same, unscrupulous… Robots with no feelings. Slaves of our own thinking influenced by crowd’s opinions. We will be driven by money and power. We’ll be afraid to say something different. We will not have our own opinions… And this is already happening.

The freedom is only on the streets, where every people can make his own rules

When we are kids they tells us to express freely, but the freedom is only on the streets, where every people can make his own rules no matter what others think, but within borderline imposed by society.

Because… We want or not…

This is how we must live: enslaved!!! 

Before you leave, take a look on my photo blog. You will find there some “Shadows on snow” 🙂

58 thoughts on “Trăim subjugați – We live enslaved

  1. I couldn’t agree with you more. You have beautifully written what have been grappling within my mind for years. True, the society wants us to different not in our little ways but according to the standards set by the society.

    Have a great day!
    Arcane owl

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Suntem, cum zici tu, robotizati intr-un fel sau altul! Asta pentru ca acceptam sa fim dominati de acest intreg numit SOCIETATE si refuzam sa ne impunem propria fiinta in fata celorlalte! Ne este frica sa fim diferiti – ne este frica de judecata semenilor nostrii si ne construim, pas cu pas, acele ziduri -de care scriai tu cu ceva timp in urma!
    Ne ascundem in spatele acestor limite!

    Te imbratisez! Zi frumoasa!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Multumesc frumos ❤
      Chiar daca vrem sa ne impunem suntem opriti de altii, din nefericre. Pentru ca trebuie sa fim toti la fel. O masa de manevra a cuiva 😦
      O duminica superba iti doresc!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I think that especially in one’s teens and early 20’s there is a push to conform. You see it in schools and universities. People dress alike, act alike, and like the same things. I think it gets easier later in life. But you can always be an original at any age if you choose. Some people will give you crap but the greatest people in our society are the original thinkers and doers. 🤔 Cheers

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I guess I will agree with you. Unfortunately, it’s pretty difficult to be different from others and do not follow the common rules, in fact, it’s impossible. I am not yet in school, neither in Uni. I went through these usual stages, now I am in adult life among adult people and what do I see, almost the same and even worse. To some extend, we are slaves and nothing can be done with it. I know there are people who dare to change it and some of them are lucky, but in most cases it’s hopeless. You should be very brave to try to break it! Maybe you will be the first one!

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’m not sure I will succeed, Ann. It’s hard to believe that. We have to be slave, I think. I look at adult people and I wonder: that’s life? They wake up in the morning, go to the job almost entire day, then come home, eat dinner, maybe they watch a little bit at TV and then sleep. Next day is the same. That’s life? Really?
      I don’t like it. I want more!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Unfortunately, yeah, that’s pretty the same for all of us. But if you do want more, then you can change it. A lot depends on you, the most important is to never give up. You can choose a very interesting profession, you can travel, you should experiment and you can find your way. It’s not easy, but it’s possible. You are already different, you have your blog, your meet new people, you are young and so wisdom. Life will be different for you, I am sure, it will be brighter. All doors are open for you. I am older than your are, but I still dream and believe that I can change this world. So, see you should believe in yourself and never stop following your goals! Where your heart is! And you are not alone!

        Liked by 2 people

        • Thank you, Ann ❤
          This blog was my dad’s idea and now I like it more and more. He told me the same things that you told me, that if I want to change the world the blog is a start.
          Love you, Ann

          Liked by 1 person

  5. foarte adevarat, avem cea mai mare libertate de exprimare in ziua de astazi, dar cu toate astea parca este din ce in ce mai greu sa ne spunem parerile si sa fim noi insine.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Ohhh dear: Don’t think like this! You are young! I always taught my girls to be different, draw outside the lines, march to their own drummers. It’s you young people that must keep the world from becoming enslaved and us all being robots/drones. We are becoming too mechanized and humans are being replaced by machines–people fall in love online instead of in person anymore. Young people communicate via electronic devices instead of face to face. That’s how we lose personalization and become un-human! Always remember to keep human contact in your life, keep your beautiful personality, say what you think and feel and value others for who they are! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • I wrote what I felt, unfortunately. I believe I can fly even if many people (most of them are my teachers) tell me all the time I can’t. Don’t worry, I will try until I fly because that’s me. Nobody can tell me what I can and what I can’t do. You know why I am so confident? Because my parents give me wings so I can fly 🙂
      Thanks for your warm words and I congratulate you for being the same for your daughters ❤

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  7. Mi-e teamă că ideea de libertate este interpretabilă, iar cei care fac jocurile, deasupra agorei, oferă doar iluzia libertății. Subzistăm între paranteze nevăzute, amăgindu-ne că avem dreptul de a spune ceea ce gândim şi că părerile noastre contează.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Nice! Very insightful! 😉 Today’s society drives me nuts! The things that society has taught people is right, but is horribly wrong and the things that society has taught people is wrong when it’s right – I am mindboggled! lol

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I remember thinking that the society asking us to be “mature” is just their manner to have things the way they want ! I mean I am happy being me, whether its immature or mature according to the world I don care. Lets hope more people realise that they are enslaved and try to come out of their shackles. 🙂 Such a relevant post in todays world Monica 🙂

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