First magic night of December




St. Nicholas

St. Nicholas by Tintoretto

Today is the first magic night of December. Why? Because St. Nicholas brings gifts to kids.

Who is St. Nicholas?

St. Nicholas is a legendary character in Central Europe.

St. Nicholas’s legend?

Legend says that three sisters, daughters of a poor nobleman, could not marry because of the precarious financial situation. It is said that when eldest daughter reached marriageable time, Nicholas, already a bishop, left at the door of the noble house, a bag of gold. And he did it again for the other two girls when their time came. Girl’s father found out about the bishop’s gifts and he told everybody, despite that St. Nicolas ask him to keep the secret. Since then, everyone who gets an unexpected gift thank Nicholas for it.

You will say, hey that’s Santa Claus. No, he’s not. We have Santa Claus too.

Differences between St. Nicholas and Santa Claus

St. Nicholas brings gifts to children on the eve of St. Nicholas as Santa Claus comes on Christmas Eve

St. Nicholas comes riding on a white horse while Santa Claus comes on a sledge with reindeer

St. Nicholas give gifts to good children in their polished boots and Santa leaves them under the Christmas tree.



St. Nicholas

St. Nicholas by Tintoretto

Astăzi este prima noapte magică a lui decembrie. Vine Moș Nicolae cu daruri pentru copiii cuminți.

Cine este Moș Nicolae?

Este un personaj legendar în România și nu numai. El vine și pentru copiii din toată Europa Centrală.

Legenda lui Moș Nicolae

Se spune că un nobil sărac avea trei fete numai bune de măritat. Dar nu le putea mărita pentru că nu avea bani. Nicolae, care pe vremea aceea era episcop, a auzit de acest lucru. Și, când fata cea mare a nobilului a ajuns la vremea măritișului, Nicolae a lăsat la ușa casei lor un săculeț cu aur. Și așa a făcut apoi și pentru celelalte două fete. Tatăl acestora a aflat și a spus la toată lumea, deși Nicolae îl rugase să păstreze secretul.

De atunci, oricine primește un cadou neașteptat îi mulțumește Sfântului Nicolae.

49 thoughts on “First magic night of December

  1. Nice post, deat Monica! I knew the difference, but it’s interesting to hear the story! Actually, this is one of my favourite days, although we celebrate it a bit later on December 19th, Eastern Orthodox!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you for visiting my place, and your many likes, as well as follow 🙂 I too am bilingual (Finnish) although I only blog in English. I enjoyed reading about St Nicholas. We have Santa Claus, as you know from reading my story about his village. He comes to visit children at home on Christmas Eve. Although we now live in Australia we still follow the European Christmas traditions. When the kids were little we always had a relative, neighbour or friend dress up as Santa and give out the gifts 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Love the story!! One of the names used in Venezuela is San Nicolás, which actually translates to St. Nicholas! I think we have mixed both stories, I’m afraid…
    Because in Venezuela, San Nicolás is supposed to come on December 24th…

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Having both a Romanian and an Englishman in the home we leave our shoes in the windowsill this evening (5 Dec) and hang our Christmas stockings on Christmas Eve, hopping for some sweets in the shoes (if we have been good, a stick if not) and find the stocking filled with chocolate, fruit and nuts, perhaps a little present from Santa, on Christmas morning.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Buna ziua draga mea Mona!
    Frumos! Mosul sa iti aduca bucurii, tot ce iti doresti! Esti un inger printre noi, meriti tot ceea ce iti doresti! Pupici! 🌲🌺☕🍀😘

    Liked by 2 people

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