Partea întunecată a blogging-ului – The Dark Side of Blogging


by Monica



mopana-letter-02Îmi place foarte mult blogging-ul. Asta pentru că îmi place să scriu și îmi place să împărtășesc ceea ce scriu cu oamenii cărora le place să citească.

Este un sentiment plăcut să știi că le oferi oamenilor ceva ce le place. Să știi că te apreciază pentru ceea ce faci, nu pentru cine ești sau cum arăți.


… în același timp… urăsc blogging-ul foarte mult. Știu, e ciudat. Dar asta este.

Și totul se întâmplă pentru că… 

Toți te învață cum:

  • să-ți faci un blog,

  • cum să scrii și să redactezi un articol,

  • cum să folosești tag-urile, fotografiile etc.,

  • cum să faci SEO și să aduci TRAFIC etc.


Dar NIMENI nu-ți spune de zecile de capcane în care poți să cazi.

NIMENI nu te învață cum să eviți aceste capcane.

NIMENI nu se gândește la DEZAMĂGIRILE tale.

TOȚI, însă, abia așteaptă ca TU să cazi în aceste capcane 😦


Iată câțiva dintre cei care întind astfel de capcane:

PESCARII – sunt bloggeri care folosesc momeli ca la pescuit. Vin pe blogul tău o dată sau de două ori și dau like sau chiar comentează și după aceea dispar. Tu, plin de bunăvoință și entuziasm te duci apoi pe blogul lor și citești, dai like, comentezi, ori de câte ori postează ceva. Dar ei nu mai vin. Cred că li se cuvine.

CEI LIPSIȚI DE FAIR PLAY – în această categorie intră cei care dau like direct din Reader-ul WordPress fără să citească articolul scris de tine. Deci nici măcar nu intră pe blogul tău. Este un like fals care nu te ajută cu nimic. Urăsc să văd că am mai multe like-uri decât vizionări la un post.

Dacă vrei să afli cine sunt „vânătorii de follower-i”, „atacatorii”, „rechinii”, „grăbițiisau „mincinoșii” … îi găsești pe toți în noul meu ebook despre partea întunecată a blogging-ului – „Blogging Murdar – 40 de capcane urâte ce te așteaptă la fiecare pas”.



The Dark Side of Blogging


mopana-letter-02I love blogging very much. That’s because I love to write and I love to share what I write with people who loves to read.

It’s a beautiful feeling to give people something they like. They appreciate you for what you do, not for who you are or how you look like.


in the same time… I hate blogging with all my heart. I know, it’s odd. But that’s the way it is.

And everything is happening because…

Everyone teaches you how…

to make a blog,

to write and edit an article,

to use tags, photos, etc.,

to do SEO and bring TRAFFIC to your blog etc.



nobodyabsolutely nobody tells you about dozens of traps where you can fall.

Nobody teaches you how to avoid these traps.

Nobody cares about your disappointments

All, however, are waiting for you to fall into these traps 😦


Let me introduce you to some of those who put traps for you to fall:

THE FISHERMEN – they are bloggers who use baits as at fishing. They come to your blog once or twice, they like a post or even they write a comment and then disappear. Full of goodwill and enthusiasm, you visit their blog and read, like, comment, whenever they post something. But they do not come anymore. They think they deserve it, as I said before.

NO FAIR PLAY PEOPLE – this category includes those who “like” your posts directly from the WordPress Reader without reading the article written by you. So they do not even visit your blog. It’s a fake “like” that does not help you with anything. I hate to see that I have more likes than views on a post.

If you want to find out who are “the followers hunters“, “the attackers“, “the sharks”, “the hurried people” or “the liars“… you can find them all in my new ebook about the dark side of blogging, – “Dirty blogging – 40 ugly traps that wait for you at every step“.


63 thoughts on “Partea întunecată a blogging-ului – The Dark Side of Blogging

  1. It is much more complicated than this. Posts can be read from the reader and not counted as viewed. WP is good, but not perfect. There are a lot of statistical mistakes. My husband has his Masters & PhD in Statistics from Stanford and UCLA, We’ve looked carefully, the numbers don’t add up.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Plus, why the effort to attack bloggers who love you?
    Because they like your blog posts and you think they don’t read them? Follow you and don’t like you?
    Or is it they don’t do what you want them to?
    Why don’t you just focus on what YOU do?
    You label bloggers, “Fisherman,” “No Fair Play People.’
    This is basically mean spirited Mopana and it hurts the blogging community who actually love you, so of course, the person it hurts the most is you, because you are rejecting the love you receive, no matter how imperfectly it is provided.
    You are young. I was once. I am seriously hoping this was just a glitch related to that.
    Be well my dear friend, whose posts I read, mostly from the reader.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I wrote this for beginners, Cindy. Because I have met a lot of them who gave up after 2-3 months because of this dirty things. And I know they would have a lot of beautiful articles to write for us. Knowing some of this traps… maybe they will not give up any more in the future 🙂
      Many thanks for your kind words, my dear friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Uneori statisticile nu sunt exacte. Alteori se incarca excesiv cu vizite de tip atacuri (eu am putini vizitatori si identific rapid sutele de vizite in aceeasi ora).
    Ai dreptate despre vizitatorii neloiali (tip FB) care dau Like la rezumatul distribuit in retea, dar care nu urmaresc link-ul spre articolul original.
    Totusi are dreptate si cititoarea ta, Cindy Knoke… De cateva ori am vrut sa renunt la blog, dar am revenit pentru ca uneori imi place sa scriu. Scriu putin, scriu pe cateva bloguri, fac pauze extrem de lungi uneori, dar cand vreau sa scriu, intru in platforma si scriu!
    Cand am vazut titlul, am crezut ca vei spune si ca blogul te arata lumii asa cum esti si poate asa cum nu ai vrea sa fii vazuta. Pentru ca atunci cand scrii iti expui sentimentele si sufletul. As face o comparatie cu zicala “ochii sunt oglinda sufletului”. Blogul este oglinda in care te vede lumea reflectata.
    Cel mai bine e sa scrii asa cum simti, dar ar fi bine sa si filtrezi. Blogul e un jurnal online, dar, daca e public, poate ca nu ti-ai dori ca lumea sa iti citeasca jurnalul intim; de aceea trebuie aplicat un filtru.
    Scrie si nu te mai interesa ce cred ceilalti! Uneori sunt invidiosi! Scrie si stilul ti se va contura si va deveni unul propriu, inconfundabil, unul ce te va caracteriza si va face ca prin postarile tale sa poti fi identificata fara sa le fi semnat!
    Felicitari pentru tot ce ai scris pana acum! Thumbs up!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey! Multumesc pentru comentariu. Eu scriu exact asa cum spui tu. Nu-mi pasa de cei care ataca. Dar… Pentru ca am intalnit multe bloguri frumoase si am vazut apoi ca blogger-ii respectivi au renuntat din lipsa de like-uri sau din cauza acestor capcane urate… am decis sa scriu o carte mica despre aceste lucruri pentru a-i ajuta pe altii. Ma enerveaza cand vad ca unii renunta, desi ar avea multe lucruri frumoase de spus 😦

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Total adevarat! Eu mi-am facut un nou blog, pe acesta il folosesc mai rar. Incerc sa atrag oamenii care ma urmaresc pe blog-ul acesta pe noul blog dar degeaba. Pun articolul aici cu link-ul spre blog-ul nou, aici am like-uri si comentarii iar pe noul blog nu am vizualializari.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Partea întunecată a blogging-ului – The Dark Side of Blogging – Wild eyes and pretty voice

  6. Da, din păcate sunt multe capcane. Eu mă consider câştigată dacă intru pe un blog şi citesc ceva ce-mi face plăcere chiar dacă acea persoană nu intră pe blogul meu. Dar da, mi se întâmplă şi mie toate cele de mai sus. Cel mai tare mă deranjează blogurile pe care nu se primesc răspunsuri la comentarii. Înţeleg să nu fie omul non stop pe blog, să nu primeşti răspuns imediat dar când nu primeşti deloc… nu-ţi mai arde de comentat. E chestie de bun simţ cred.
    Nu e cazul tău, tu de fiecare dată faci omul să se simtă bine la tine. 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I also don’t like likes without viewing/reading. Fortunately for me, I blog because I like to write and this is practice. The likes and comments are a bonus. One day, I will get those novels written. 🙂

    The Reader is not the best place to read blogs of people I follow. Reading via email link works for me as I often miss posts via the Reader. I also would go to other blogs following from their interaction on my blog like likes or comments. I know there are those who just disappear. I think others actually stop blogging completely.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I suspect there are more people who read the posts than show up in the statistics. I have experienced this, and have seen that some have read my posts even though the numbers do not always show it. I think more people want to support other writers than not. Please do not lose hope or heart.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hope is all we’ve got. I will not lose it. And… anyway… I write for people who love to read, not for those who don’t.
      Many thanks for your kind words 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, Rob! I know what you mean. There are many people who only navigate into the blogosphere. They do not blog 😦
      I hope you’re fine.
      All the best to you!
      Mo-hugs and kisses ❤


  9. Unless someone is using a blog to promote a business then they should write just because they like to write, as you and I do I think. ‘Promoting’ posts on Facebook and Twitter is far worse in terms of people putting ‘likes’ on without reading the post; I’ve often thought of stopping this but have been dissuaded by friends who are not WordPress bloggers and rely on FB and Twitter to tell them of my new posts. And in the case of my blog, written in English, I have to except friends and family who don’t know English but who put on a like just for encouragement. It’s a pity that WordPress do not have more possibilities with ‘likes’, as FB now does. If I put a ‘like’ on a post the blogger can be sure I have read it, but am often pushed for time so would welcome the ability to be more explicit with an appropriate ‘button’, as on Facebook.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Nothing to do with this post but I’ve been reading your grandfather’s blog, and particularly the haiku. I hoped for an ‘About’ with more about him but there isn’t one. However, you may remember a little while ago I asked why you didn’t write haiku in Romanian but you said you thought they were better in English. So I thought I would try (influenced by what your grandfather says about his ‘haiku poems’). Like him I like the 5-7-5 rhythm and never write anything else, though I don’t always follow the ‘nature’ theme as in this one. What do you think of my effort?

        casa pictata
        de multe trandafiri albi
        albine cântă

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Oh, yes, I know I also met such bloggers, however, I am not sure I can judge them, I always think that perhaps I am not enough interesting, that’s why people have no time to actually read what is behind the title or nice picture. Often people like to see something stupid shown at your post, then they might even read what is inside, but I guess blogging should never be transformed into something like that. You should blog because you like it only!


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