Christmas sweets: Walnut Bread

cozonac-03Sweet Walnut Bread known as “cozonac cu nuca” is a traditional Romanian sweet bread made with raisins and walnuts.

This is a favorite at every Christmas in Romania and you will find it on everyone’s table wherever you go. And it’s really delicious.

cozonac-02You can find the recipe here, on Jo Cooks’s site.

I hope you will enjoy it 🙂

43 thoughts on “Christmas sweets: Walnut Bread

  1. YES pleeeeaaaaassssseeee! I would love to eat walnut bread. I wish I could get walnuts here, but they are soooooooo expensive. Maybe I’ll have to splurge one day and try out this recipe.
    Thanks for sharing it, and please have a wonderful Sunday and week.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Romanian Christmas food and traditions | look around!

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