A fallen angel



by Monica


De multe ori… mintea e cea care comandă… iar mâna mea doar execută.

Și totuși… există un echilibru aproape perfect între minte și mână.

Eu privesc… și realizez că ceea ce apare pe hârtie este desenat de mine.

Aceasta este expoziția mea.


sunteți criticii.



He lives in between

Because of the Wrath of God

A fallen angel


Click on photo to see my Drawing Exhibition


Often… my mind is the one who gives the command… and my hand just execute.

Yet… there is an almost perfect balance between mind and hand.

I look… and realize that what appears on paper is designed by me.

This is my exhibition.


are the critics…


the creator.

He lives in between

Because of the Wrath of God

A fallen angel


Click on photo to see my Drawing Exhibition


59 thoughts on “A fallen angel

    • Thank you very much, Kristina. Your posts are wonderful, too. And spicy. And intriguing. That’s why I just can’t wait for your next guest post. Have a great evening!
      xo ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Pingback: look around!

  2. oh Wow!

    U r a multi-talented girl Monica!

    The awesome sketches and your words both are really really so beautiful.
    U r a great artist. Keep up doing ur good works and i am alwaz there to smile and accompany ! : )

    I just saw ur mails today and over-whelmed with joys! hope u r doing great.

    have a wonderful day my dear : )

    Liked by 2 people

    • Wow, too! I am speechless, Jyotee. Your words are beautiful and thank you for that. I am fine and I hope you are, too. 🙂
      Have an awesome week, dear friend!
      xo ❤


  3. This is a beautiful drawing, Monica. Much better than any photograph, because you did it. In my opinion it deserves a big white space and let it breath. It will look awesome on a gallery wall, where it will be… sooner or later. Well done. Reinhold

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Bonjour MOPANA

    Nous voici bientôt au mois de décembre et à l’approche de Noël

    Mois d’amour et de gaité

    Entre nous , soyons dans la paix et l’amitié

    Ce mois de décembre doit-être plus beau que celui de 2015

    Pour moi

    Mes amies amis vous êtes des anges

    Des anges de l’amitié

    Un peu pardon et de partage afin tout le monde soit heureux

    Mes amies amis au cours de cette année qui vas s’écouler

    Vous m’avez donné du temps en venant faire un passage sur mon blog par vos écris

    Merci à tous bon Week-End

    Bisous , BERNARD

    Liked by 1 person

  5. BonjourMOPANA

    Dans un cadre chaleureux
    L’Amitié est une maison
    Accueillante et agréable
    Il suffit d’ouvrir la porte de son cœur
    Pour offrir le meilleur de soi-même
    Je te souhaite une bonne journée

    Une belle semaine

    Gros bisous

    Une rose d’amitié à t’offrir



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