Adevărații eroi – The real heroes


E ceva supraomenesc să poți trăi cu mine, e inuman

Eu nu îmi pot înțelege părinții.. Eu una… n-aș reuși să mă suport, la cum fac, de multe ori mi-aș da cu ceva în cap singură și m-aș bate. E ceva supraomenesc să poți trăi cu mine, e inuman, e fantastic să reușești așa ceva…

Cum poți să trăiești cu un copil super activ, plin de energie, care nu stă nicio secundă fără să se miște, cu un om extrem de orgolios și extrem de mândru, care nu e niciodată sigur pe el, cu o persoană morocănoasă și supărăcioasă.

Cu o adolescentă sensibilă, cu o nebună când vine vorba de cumpărături și plimbări, cu o puștoaică ce în ciuda vârstei se poartă ca un copilași mic si mofturos, cu o nerăbdătoare când e vorba de cadouri și distractie, cu o ambițioasă când e vorba de comentat, cu o egoistă când vine vorba de iubire.

Acești oameni, părinții mei, care deși știu cum sunt mă iubesc

Adevaratii eroiCu un stres care stă pe capul tău când ești obosit și plictisit, cu o copilă care vrea mereu să fie băgată în seamă și care se supără dacă e ignorată, cu o nervoasă fără motive (de cele mai multe ori), cu o plictisită în orice peisaj, cu o neascultătoare când vine vorba de școală sau de făcut curat?

Toate astea vin ambalate cu fundiță roz, paiete colorate și panglici când vine vorba de mine. Iar acești oameni, părinții mei, care deși știu cum sunt mă iubesc! Așa că, în ochii mei ei sunt eroi! 


Pe blogul meu de fotografii găsiți multe și frumoase fotografii de primăvară. Vedeți pe time2photograph!



It’s superhuman to live with me, it’s inhuman

I can’t understand my parents. I… I could not bear me because of my behavior. Many times I would beat myself. It’s superhuman to live with me. It’s inhuman. It’s fantastic to succeed…

How can you live with a super active child, full of energy, who is in a continue moving, an extremely proud person but never confident, a grumpy and angry person.

With a sensitive teenage girl, with a crazy girl when it comes to shopping and walks, with a kid who despite age behaves like a small and captious child, with an impatient when it comes to gifts and entertainment, with an ambitious when it comes to commented, with a selfish when it comes to love.

These people, my parents, they love me even they know how bad I am

Adevaratii eroiWith a “stress” who stay on your head when you’re tired and bored, with a child who always wants attention and get upset if she is ignored, with a nervous without reason (most often), with a bored by any landscape, with a naughty when it comes to school or cleaning?

All this comes packaged with a little pink bow-knot, sequins and colored ribbons when it comes to me. And these people, my parents, they love me even they know how bad I am! So, in my eyes, they are heroes! 


On my photo blog you can find beautiful Spring photos. See on time2photograph!


81 thoughts on “Adevărații eroi – The real heroes

  1. So cutie pie. Your parents must be proud of you and all parents have grown through this transition phase Even the naughtiest activity by the kid make them smile 😀😀😀

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Unfortunately, they do not have choice, you are their creation! Ha-ha! And if seriously, I think you underestimate yourself, Mon! You are a young and energetic girl, very beautiful outside and inside, you are different in different periods and your age now is the most interesting. You are in search of yourself and believe me you will change or better to say life will change you. And it is so good that you can joke about yourself, you seemed to be wisdom as well! Great post, I had fun! You look so good with this bond, a playful cat!

    Liked by 2 people

    • You’re right, Ann. I know this means to be a parent. Unconditional Love. I hope I can be like them someday. I also know that many friends envy me for my parents. 🙂 I am a a playful but bad cat! Be aware! Thanks for your beautiful words, Ann ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. You are too hard on yourself. Your parents love you for you. As you will one day love your children for who they are. As a parent myself with two children who are as opposite as day and night I love them equally and embrace and accept all their differences. A lovely post.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. This is a wonderful piece, Monica. Thank you for sharing a little more about you with us. You are lucky to have such wonderful parents and clearly they are lucky to have such a wonderful daughter who is able to share her appreciation with the world 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Ha ha ha…This is what happens in life. I put my poor parents through so much. But it shows that you really are a good and loving daughter because you understand that perhaps you are not always the easiest to live with. I am sure that I am still not the easiest person to live with…Cheers!

    Oh! I thought you were not posting. Somehow, your posts were not showing up in my reader. I hit the subscribe button again. Later I can look at some of the posts that I missed. Cheers, again =)

    Liked by 3 people

    • So you were a naughty child like me. Good to know. 🙂 You know, I love my parents for letting me be me. And for that, many friends envy me.
      Do not worry about wordpress reader. Many wrong things happen to them. Now you’re here and that’s what matter. 🙂


  6. You are too adorable. Your parents are probably extolling all of your creative, sweet, funny, smart, sassy virtues to their friends right now. You are a special treasure that gets more valuable every year.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Like wine? :)) I know they do it. That’s why they are my heroes, because they let me be me. Even if sometimes they have problems because of me. And I love them for that. Thanks for your sweet and warm words, Wendy ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Yes, parents (not all but most) tend to be heroes, patient, yet firm when necessary, but above all¿ They love you and are most certainly proud of you. 🙂 (And like Laine Anne said, or something like that, just remember that when you eventually have kids… 🙂 We all just pass on the ball.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. …ich wäre glücklich Eltern zu haben! Sei einfach glücklich, dass Du noch Eltern hast. Wenn Du selbst einmal Kinder hast wirst Deine Eltern ganz sicher Ihre Sorgen, Ängste um Dich verstehen. Sie lieben Dich !
    Lieben und herzlichen Gruß für Dich … Lis

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Parents love their child
    In the same way child loves family
    Bcoz there r many people in the world who don’t have their parents with whom they cud love, sometyms fyt, sometimes cry;! :p

    This bond is so beautiful Moneca!
    And so r u!

    I m sure your parents r proud of u!

    Doesn’t matter whether they tell u or not
    You r their gift.

    All the best to u!

    Lots of love


    Liked by 2 people

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