
Haunted by the past

Written by Monica … JUMP TO ENGLISH VERSION Trecutul nu poate fi schimbat, uitat, editat sau șters. El poate fi doar acceptat … Aceasta este expoziția mea. Voi… sunteți criticii. Eu… creatorul.  … Sometimes you are lost And you feel you’re helpless and Haunted by the past …        Desenul și Haiku au fost pentru prima dată…


A real story on organ donation

They had a strong marriage, wonderful kids and a tiny home on hill top, brimming with laughter and happiness, the giggles of their grandson exhilarated the energy level of everyone around and they had all that anyone can ask for. It caused envy among people but little did they know that everything is going to…

Nameless Gravestones…

She ran, carrying her 7 months old baby. Her face had bruises from the beatings taken from the unknown men, who called themselves the volunteers of God. The city is being plowed upside down, by the clashes between the warriors of God, in the name of God, for the sake of God. But were they…