Guralivul Ali spune povești îngerilor – The Babbler Ali tells stories to the angels

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Ali era unic

”Guralivul”… Așa îl știu de la tata. Un boxer cu o inimă mare și cu o gură și mai mare. Muhammad Ali, campion mondial al greilor profesioniști și cel mai mare boxer din istorie.

Ani de zile tata a fost comentator de box. A cunoscut personal nume mari ale acestui sport ca Teofilo Stevenson, cubanezul care a dominat categoria grea la amatori, sau Floyd Mayweather, pe vremea când americanul era bătut crunt de un român la Mondialele de amatori din Germania. Dintre români i-a cunoscut pe Mihai Leu, Francisc Vaștag, Leonard Doroftei, toți campioni mondiali la profesioniști sau amatori, și mulți alții.

Despre toți a vorbit întotdeauna la superlativ. Dar știu că în sufletul lui Ali a fost special. De fiecare dată când îmi povestea aventurile vreunui boxer trebuia să aducă aminte de Marele Guraliv. Ori acel boxer avea croșeul ca al lui Ali, ori directa aceluia era asemănătoare cu a lui Ali… De fiecare dată termenul de comparație era Ali. Ali era unic.

În clipa în care a coborât din ring, Ali a intrat în legendă

Știu poveștile legendarelor sale meciuri de la The Thrilla in Manila la The Rumble in the Jungle. Cine poate uita spectacolele de gală cu Sonny Liston, Joe Frazier sau George Foreman. Când mi le povestea tata mi se făcea pielea de găină.

Dar… Ali nu mai este. Și totuși va trăi veșnic. Pentru tot ce a făcut și pentru tot ce a dat boxului. Pentru că în clipa în care a coborât din ring el a intrat în legendă.

Iar acum…

Ali a plecat în Rai să le povestească și îngerilor legendarele sale bătălii.



Ali was unique

“The Babbler”… This is how I know him from my father. A boxer with a big heart and a much bigger mouth. Muhammad Ali, heavyweight world champion and the Greatest in history.

For years, my father was a boxing commentator. He personally knew the big names of this sport as Teofilo Stevenson, the Cuban heavyweight who dominated the amateur boxing world, or Floyd Mayweather, back in time when the American was severely beaten by a Romanian at the Amateur World Championships in Germany. He also knows the Romanian boxers Mihai Leu, Francis Vaştag or Leonard Doroftei, all professional or amateur world champions, and many others.

He always spoke about all of these boxers to superlative. But I know that in his soul Ali was special. Every time when he told me stories about a boxer he used to remember the Great Babbler. If a boxer had a great hook, my father used to say that the hook was like Ali’s. Or if a boxer had a good movement in the boxing ring, that boxer knows to dances like Ali. Every time the term for comparison was Ali. Ali was unique.

The moment he left the boxing ring, Ali entered into the legend

I know the stories of his legendary matches from The Thrilla in Manila to The Rumble in the Jungle. Who can forget his battles with Sonny Liston, Joe Frazier and George Foreman. When I heard this stories from my dad I was goose bumps.

But… he is not with us anymore. Yet, he will live forever. For all that he did and for everything he gave to the world of boxing. Because the moment he left the boxing ring, Ali entered into the legend. And now…

Ali went to heaven to tell also to the angels about his legendary battles.



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1. ‘Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee’: Best quotes from Muhammad Ali

2. Rest in peace Muhammad Ali

3. Hip-Hop Needs Muhammad Ali’s

4. Requiem for a Heavyweight: ‘The Greatest’ Muhammad Ali

5. Muhammad Ali, ‘The Greatest of All Time’, Dead at 74

6. Legendary Muhammad Ali Dead at 74!!


8. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.  Muhammad Ali

9. When We Were Kings – RIP Muhammad Ali

10. Ali Was A Warm, Kind, Spirited Human Being; We Know This From Personal Experience

11. Manny Pacquiao Remembers Muhammad Ali: He ‘Benefited’ Mankind

12. The Greatest – RIP Muhammad Ali


14. Boxing Legend Muhammad Ali Dies At 74

15. A Far Better Man

22 thoughts on “Guralivul Ali spune povești îngerilor – The Babbler Ali tells stories to the angels

  1. My father is not as fortunate as yours to know boxers, but he too always speaks in awe of Muhammed Ali. (Something we share in common). I’ve gone back and watched some old fights and he was amazing. And he stood up for what he believed. He will be missed

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Awe, I loved reading about your father. your father sounds like an amazing man. He raised an amazing daughter. Ali inspired so many. I could listen to him for hours with genius rhythms and quotes. He is a legend! Thank you for writing this post 🙂 It’s so moving ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Mohammad Ali Thrashed Donald Trump

    After Trump announced his plan to ban all Muslims from entering the US, Ali condemned it and the Republican loud-mouth without even having to mention his name:
    I am a Muslim and there is nothing Islamic about killing innocent people in Paris, San Bernardino, or anywhere else in the world. True Muslims know that the ruthless violence of so called Islamic jihadists goes against the very tenets of our religion.
    We as Muslims have to stand up to those who use Islam to advance their own personal agenda. They have alienated many from learning about Islam. True Muslims know or should know that it goes against our religion to try and force Islam on anybody.
    Speaking as someone who has never been accused of political correctness, I believe that our political leaders should use their position to bring understanding about the religion of Islam and clarify that these misguided murderers have perverted people’s views on what Islam really is.

    Liked by 1 person

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