Urmărind Luminile Nordului – Chasing the Northern Lights


      Orașul de la capătul lumii, așa mi s-a părut Tromso. Un oraș format din insule și fiorduri.

      Aici a început aventura, chiar dacă nu din prima seară, când am pornit doar să vizităm orașul și portul.

      A doua zi a venit și prima excursie, la o fermă de câini husky, pentru a vedea Aurora Boreală sau Luminile Nordului. Ajunsă acolo, am urmărit un documentar despre cursele cu husky. Apoi am ajuns în paradis 😍. Eram înconjurată din toate părțile de aproximativ 300 de husky. Erau de toate vârstele, toți frumoși, jucăuși, adorabili. Trăgeau de mine și de mama să ne jucăm cu ei, puneau boticul pe labe dacă nu erau băgați în seamă și mai și țipau. Trebuie să știți că husky norvegieni nu arată ca cei pe care îi vedem zilnic pe stradă.

mopana-vikings-ships-01Vezi aici cum am își construiau Vikingii corăbiile și cum își decorau Castelele: Aventura Scandinavă 

      Cel mai mult mi-a atras atenția o cățelușă. Ea s-a bucurat și răsfățat cel mai mult când m-am dus la ea, îmi venea pur și simplu să o iau acasă. Era foarte frumoasă și i se vedea în ochișori dorința de atenție și iubire. Mi-a fost greu să plec dintre ei… Era prea frumos.

      După ce am lăsat cățelușii, am intrat într-o căsuță și ne-am așezat langă foc, stând acolo până în momentul plecării înapoi. Și asta pentru că Aurora nu a dorit să dea ochii cu noi. Oricât de frumos ar fi fost, m-am simțit dezamagită că nu am putut vedea Luminile Nordului. Cam răsfățate aceste lumini. Apar doar când vor și stau cât vor. Nu țin cont de faptul că ai traversat lumea ca să le vezi.


      Ziua următoare, o altă excursie, o altă stare. Am preferat să nu mă bucur și să nu fiu entuziasmată pentru a nu fi iar dezamagită dar, spre surprinderea mea, am văzut-o.

      Am plecat cu un autocar, undeva departe de luminile orașului, tocmai pentru că era nevoie de întuneric. Prima pe care am văzut-o a fost o rază mică de lumină verde, ceva ce nu ar fi putut să mă impresioneze, doar ca mai apoi, să se lumineze tot cerul de lumini care dansau. A fost probabil mesagerul care anunța venirea.


      Părea că apar din ce în ce mai multe pânâ când am plecat. Pornind spre alt loc de popas, pe marginea unui lac. Nicio lumină nu mă mai interesa când am vazut mii de stele pe cer. Erau atât de multe încât m-am așezat pe o piatră și am rămas blocată cu privirea la cer. Nu am mai văzut niciodată atât de multe stele, peisajul părea ireal și mă întrebam dacă mintea îmi joacă feste, dar totul era mai mult decât real. 

mopana-vikings-ships-01Vezi aici cum am își construiau Vikingii corăbiile și cum își decorau Castelele: Aventura Scandinavă

      Frigul de afară (intre 0 și -5 grade Celsius) ne-a împins pe mulți să intrăm în autocar la căldură. Iar cel mai amuzant moment a fost când ne-a strigat ghidul că a apărut o lumină frumoasă. Ne-am îmbulzit toți să mergem s-o vedem, dar dispăruse într-e timp (acest fapt se datorează faptului că unele lumini țin doar câteva secunde, iar altele câteva minute). Am stat cât am stat afară și am vazut o lumină, care a înconjurat cerul, era cu roz și verde și mă simțeam ca într-o cupolă. Un moment de vis, eram desprinsă de realitate. În acea seară, după ce am ajuns în cameră, aveam fixat pe retina cerul luminat de aurora boreală și de stele.

      A treia a zi a fost mai liniștită, ne-am plimbat prin oraș și am mers de-a lungul malului, pregătindu-ne pentru următoarea plecare spre Stockholm. Undea aveam să stăm două zile. Dar… despre capitala Suediei voi scrie în postul următor 🙂


      Chasing the Northern Lights

      To me, Tromso seemed like the City at the end of the world. A city made up of islands and fjords.

      Here is where the adventure has begun, even if in the first night we went just to visit the city and the harbor.

      Next day came up with the first trip. A trip to a husky farm, to see the Aurora Borealis or the Northern lights. There, I watched a documentary about husky races. Then I discovered the paradise 😍. I was surrounded on all sides by about 300 huskies. They were of all ages, all beautiful, playful, adorable. They came to me and to my mother to play with them. And they squealed if not. You should know that Norwegian huskies do not look like those we see daily on the street. 

mopana-vikings-ships-01See here how the Vikings built their ships and how they decorated their castles: Scandinavian Adventure

      My attention was attracted, especially, by a puppy. She enjoyed and indulged the most when I went to her. I would be loved to take her home. She was very beautiful and I saw in her little eyes the desire for attention and love. It was so hard to left them and get away… It was so beautiful there.

      After we left puppies, we went into a little house and we sat by the fire, sitting there until the moment we had to go back in the city. That’s because Aurora didn’t want to meet us. No matter how nice it was, I felt disappointed that I could not see the Northern Lights. Too spoiled these lights, right? They occur only when they want and they stay only how long they want. They really have no respect for the fact that you have traveled the world to see them.


      The next day, another trip and another mood. I preferred not to rejoice and not to be excited just because I didn’t want to be disappointed again, but to my surprise, I saw it.

      We went with a bus somewhere away from city lights. It was needed because it is needed darkness to see better the lights. The first I saw was a small ray of green light, something that could not have to impress me. But, right after this small ray of green light, the whole sky was illuminated by dancing lights. It was probably the messenger, announcing the arrival.


     It seemed to be increasingly more dancing lights until we left to another resting place, on the edge of a lake. But, I lost the interest for the dancing lights when I see thousands of stars in the sky. There were so many that I sat on a rock staring at the sky. I have never seen so many stars, the landscape seemed unreal and I wondered if my mind playing tricks, but it was more than real. 

mopana-vikings-ships-01See here how the Vikings built their ships and how they decorated their castles: Scandinavian Adventure

      The cold from outside (between 0 and -5 degrees Celsius) pushed many of us to go into the coach at the heat. And, the funniest moment was when our guide shouted that there is a beautiful light. We swarmed all to go to see it, but in the meantime, it was gone (this is because some lights take only a few seconds and others a few minutes). I stayed out for a while and I saw a pink-green light that surrounded the sky. I felt like under a dome. A dreamy moment, I was detached from reality. That evening, after I got into the room, I had fixed on my retina the sky lit by the aurora borealis and stars.

      The third day was quiet, we walked around town and along the shore, ready for the next departure, to Stockholm. Where we have stayed two days. But… I will write about the Swedish capital in my next post 🙂

125 thoughts on “Urmărind Luminile Nordului – Chasing the Northern Lights

  1. Oh how I wish I could go … just one time in my life! What an awesome adventure you had, and one you will certainly remember for a lifetime! I’m so happy for you that you were able to make this trip. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is never too late, dear friend. This is what I know 🙂
      Yes, it will be with me all my life. And, maybe, one day I will go back. Thanks for your warm words.
      xo ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, Monica!! I am again just covered in goosebumps!! No wonder I had that dream! I just HAD to see these phenomenal lights! I cannot even imagine what it was like to be there in person. OH WOWOW!!! How lucky you are! I have tears in my eyes now. What an experience! Pinch me! These images are gorgeous!! Thank YOU so much for sharing them! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • My Amy, I was covered in goosebumps, too. Being underneath was an awesome adventure. The Northern Lights were magnificent. And the sky so full of stars like nowhere else. Wow! I know I was lucky.
      Thank you for your beautiful words, my dear Amy.
      Love you ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Must be very magical to be face to face with the northern lights, my dear! wow, I am glad you could see it. I wish I could someday see them too. Loved reading your post and it was like we were taken to Norway too. Thank you for sharing with us your wonderful pictures and Journey. 🙂 Loves, xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, dear Arohii, The Northern Lights were magical. And the sky so full of stars like nowhere else. Being underneath was an awesome adventure. I was covered in goosebumps.
      Thank you for your beautiful words, my dear friend.
      Hugs and kisses ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Your photos of the northern lights are quite good. What an amazing thing to see. And sled dogs/ huskies are the best. What a wonderful adventure, Monica. I can’t wait to learn about your time in Stoclholm. Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Magnificent. Stunning and I’m so happy for you that you got to see such an amazing phenomenon. I’m mesmerised by starry nights when I go camping so I can only imagine how special this must have been. Thank you for sharing with us dear Monica. ❤️


  6. Pingback: Urmărind Luminile Nordului – Chasing the Northern Lights — look around! | Le Bien-Etre au bout des Doigts

  7. Oh Monica what a fantastic experience surreal like a dream I loved all your beautiful photos the Northern Lights for sure are something stunning to see I am happy that you had this opportunity it is in my dreams and I hope one day to see them! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: Explosion above | look around!

  9. I’m so very happy for you, Mon…but also incredibly JEALOUS!!!!!! Wow!

    Loved the story you’ve included with your beautiful photos, the next best thing to being there. A brilliant post, dear friend 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. It was beautiful to see the aurora. So happy you persevered with your wish to see them. I have a weakness for Vikings and that ship is absolutely adorable. I hope it wasn’t too cold out there. Thank you for the invitation to come by. Have a pleasant Sunday.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oho, Aurora is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen 🙂 I am glad you also like her. And I am also glad that I had a point of interest for you in my post.
      Have an awesome Sunday!
      Monica ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Monica, these pictures are beautiful and what a treasure for you to actually witness the Aurora in person. Though I am like you, the multitude of stars on a clear night would also grab my attention. I could gaze at them all night.

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  12. Pingback: Breathtaking beauty | look around!

  13. Dear Mon, your post made my day! Absolutely gorgeous photos of nature miracle, how lucky you were to catch them and how generous to share with us! That’s worth of traveling so far. I believe such moments of joy make our hearts jump in delight! Mine did just right now! Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Absolutely beautiful Monica! I am very happy that you got to see the Northern Lights in person. You will never forget it! It seems like the whole trip was absolutely wonderful. So happy for you! Looking forward to the post about Stockholm 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Pingback: Take your breath away | look around!

  16. O my…… It is beautiful, It does look like heaven on earth. I wish I could see the Norther Lights. I am glad you are back though. Marvelous post by the way.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Pingback: Urmărind Luminile Nordului – Chasing the Northern Lights | look around! | dreamweaver333

  18. A priceless experience and your pictures are beautiful. Thank you for sharing something that I have only ever dreamed of seeing though my promise to self is that one day I will!

    Liked by 1 person

  19. This is amazing. What’s even more astonishing is the fact that the pictures can’t even compare to what you see in person. This is now on my bucket list!!! Great job on the pictures!


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