Cerul este limita – Sky is the limit


by Monica


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Zilele trecute, cunoscutul om de televiziune Dan Cruceru, omul cu vorbele de la site-ul taticool.eu, a scris un articol despre cartea mea, Port în zâmbet toate rănile”. Am fost încântată să văd că i-a plăcut cartea mea și, de asemenea, foarte încântată de review-ul său. Vă las și pe voi să-l citiți :)

Mi-e tare groază de perioada adolescenței copilului meu. Sincer, e una dintre cele mai mari frici de-ale mele.

Că nu mă voi mai înțelege cu ea, că nu va vrea să mai primească niciun sfat de la mine, că mă va urî, că-mi va trânti ușa în nas, că se va aventura în anturaje dubioase. Că, pur și simplu, va uita de noi, părinții ei. Sau că, mai rău, va ajunge să creadă că-i suntem dușmani.

Încerc să evit situația asta, deși toți părinții cu copii adolescenți pe care îi cunosc îmi spun că nu ai ce face. Că e cea mai grea perioadă din viețile lor și că trebuie să ai răbdare. Va trece până la urmă.

Cred, însă, că măcar poți diminua efectele de rebeliune, fiind prezent lângă copil atunci când e mic. Cred că, dacă reușești să-i fii aproape, să-i dai încrederea că îți poate spune tot ce are pe suflet, chiar cred că, la adolescență, veți continua să fiți apropiați. Vom vedea.

Până atunci, îmi iubesc copilul cât pot de mult și mă documentez într-ale parentingului. Dincolo de cărți de specialitate, mi-a picat în mână și o carte scrisă de o adolescentă. Monica Pană o cheamă și a scris “Port în zâmbet toate rănile”. Și DA, îi fac publicitate. Pentru că adolescenta asta chiar merită să fie susținută. Cartea poate fi cumpărată din link, costă doar 2 dolari. Momentan este doar virtuală, Monica și părinții ei neavând bani pentru a acoperi costurile de tipar.”

Citiți tot articolul aici!


For our children, the limit will be only the sky! Because they know exactly what they want!

Read also: Bloody Steps


A few days ago, the well-known Romanian television star Dan Cruceru, the man with the words at taticool.eu, wrote an article about my book, “Carrying all the wounds in my smile“. I was delighted to see that he liked my book and also very pleased with his review. I let you read it 🙂

“I’m really afraid of my baby’s adolescence. Frankly, it’s one of my greatest fears.
That we will not understand each other anymore, that she will not want to receive any advice from me, that she will hate me, that she will slam the door in my nose, that she will venture into dubious entourages. That she simply will forget about us, her parents. Or, worse, she’ll get to believe we’re her enemies.

I’m trying to avoid this, though all parents with teenage kids tell me that there is nothing to do. That is the hardest time in their lives and that you have to be patient. It will eventually pass.

I think, though, that you can at least reduce the effects of rebellion, being present next to the child when he is little. I think if you can get close to him and you can give him the trust to tell you everything he feels, I really think you will continue to be close to him in his adolescence. We will see.

Until then, I love my baby as long as I can and I’m documenting myself in parenting. Beyond the books of specialty, a teenager’s book dropped in my hand. Monica Pana is her name and she wrote: “Carrying all the wounds in my smile”. And YES, I promote her. Because this teenager really deserves to be supported. The book can be bought from the link, costs only $ 2. At the moment, it is just virtual, because Monica and her parents have no money to cover print costs.

But this girl is really on her way to writing. She speaks on the virtual pages of her book and blog exactly about what a teenager feels, about his everyday problems, but also about deep feelings. And believe me, today’s adolescents are not superficially. They are absolutely fascinating people.

What is adolescence?

„When it comes to making decisions… you’re a kid.

When you pull a prank… you’re almost an adult.

You’re not a kid… nor an adult… You’re trapped between two worlds. Or… you do not belong to any world. You’re a wanderer. You belong to no one.”

Monica’s last words scare me in my relationship with my daughter: that she will feel belonging to nobody.

I am reassuring, however, by reading the teenager Monica. She’s a strong man. Like many other youngsters of her age.

„In time we will learn to be the people who walk confidently on the street, with that look that shouts: “The sky is your limit? Mine is beyond the sky!” And we will smile like we have the most wonderful day.
We will learn to walk dignified, with our head up, even if we walk through the rain without an umbrella and with baggage.
We can be what we want. We are perfect in our imperfection, and those who love us do it for our originality.

I’m dressing exactly how I want. I wear my hair as I like, I think what I want. I’m EMO or rocker, but I have the same rights. Fuck society!”

I firmly believe that Monica, Sophia and all the children today will not accept what our parents have accepted, and even us. I’m sure they will change society, they will fight for their creeds up to the end. That for them will be different than it was for us. Because they are really powerful people.

Okay… they also have weaknesses. They fall in love like mad, they love with passion. Yeah, I’ll have to accept this from my daughter and I think it will be the toughest obstacle in my life.

„I love him like an angel… I love him as I love poetry… I love him more than I have loved myself my whole life… He means everything. He’s the ray of sunlight that illuminates my path… He’s my way to happiness… He’s the reason for my smile…”

Read, dear parents, this book. “Carrying all the wounds in my smile” is the manifesto of a gorgeous teenager, of whom those like her must discover their strength, and we, their parents, the pride that we have children so beautiful, free and powerful.

PS: Or at least give a share to this article, I would like the writing of this teenage girl to appear in print too. It would be nice! Don’t you think?

22 thoughts on “Cerul este limita – Sky is the limit

  1. Pingback: E mai ușor să regreți decât să apreciezi – It’s easier to regret than to appreciate | look around!

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