Pași însângerați – Bloody steps



by Monica

mopana-Port in zambet toate ranile COVER

My New Book


Citește și: Drumul spre paradis



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Cerul… o splendoare. Un infinit omnipotent. Acolo, în cer, nu a fost niciodată război. Sunt doar îngeri. Pe pământ e război, pe pământ a fost vărsare de sânge. În cer, niciodată.

Cerul doar plânge și suspină. El simte durerea din fiecare privire. El vede durerea și suferința fiecărui suflet singuratic.


Source: Google Image

Totuși… El rămâne acolo, în depărtări. Uneori se mai ascunde în spatele norilor, se ascunde de durerea lumii și își reface puterile, strălucind mai tare ca niciodată.

Uneori, privind în sus, putem vedea tot universul. Cu privirea în pământ nu putem vedea nimic. De cele mai multe ori, natura ne vede adevărata față. Cerul e singurul loc care reflectă libertatea. Acolo ar fi orice posibil.

Noi nu putem zbura, noi avem războaie. Nu cred că cerul ar vrea să fie pătat de pașii însângerați pe care îi facem noi pe pământ.


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by Monica


My New Book

Bloody steps

Read also: The road to paradise



Source: Google Image

The sky… a splendor. An omnipotent infinitely. There, in the sky, there was never war. There are only angels. Here, on the earth, is war. There was blood on the ground. In heaven, never.

The sky only cries and sighs. He feels the pain from every glance. He sees the pain and suffering of every lonely soul.


Source: Google Image

Still… He stays there, in distances. Sometimes he’s hiding behind the clouds, hiding from the pain of the world and restoring his powers, shining louder than ever.

Sometimes, looking up, we can see the whole universe. Looking at the earth, we can not see anything. Nature often sees our true face. The sky is the only place that reflects freedom. There, anything would be possible.

We can not fly, we have wars. I do not think the sky would want to be stained by the bloody steps we make on earth.


Source: Google Image

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13 thoughts on “Pași însângerați – Bloody steps

  1. Do you think with thunder he is expressing his despair at the actions of us below? It seems so to me. It seems also that he is reminding us just how insignificant we are in the overall scheme of things. He could eliminate us in a flash, but gives us chance after chance. Perhaps one day he will no longer have patience.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We need that patience because we are so stupid and too proud. This pride will kill us one day 😦
      You’re right, we’re so insignificant.
      Have a great weekend, R ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

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