De când te iubesc – Since I have loved you



Citește și: Eu te iubesc


De când te iubesc

De când te iubesc,

Zilnic inima-mi tresaltă,

Şi-al dragostei tren

Nicicând nu face haltă.

De aceea nu vreau

Nici eu să mă opresc,

Şi nu voi înceta vreodată

Să-ţi spun cât te iubesc.

Şi totuşi, te conjur,

Gândeşte-te un pic la mine

Vreun strop de mă iubeşti


Dar niciodată,

să nu mă părăseşti.

by Victor Pană

Cărțile mele

mopana - Cum sa-ti dublezi traficul pe blog simplu si elegant mopana-the-dark-side-of-blogging



Read also: I just love you

Since I have loved you


Since I have loved you,

Every day my heart exults,

Because the train of love

It never makes a stop.

And like the train of love

I’ll also never stop

I’ll never stop to tell you

How much I love you.

And yet, I conjure you,

Think a little of me

If you love me just a little bit


But never leave me.

Written by Victor Pană

My ebooks

mopana - Double Your Blog Traffic Now With 2 Simple Methods mopana - How to easily set up a Bilingual Blog  mopana-the-dark-side-of-blogging

9 thoughts on “De când te iubesc – Since I have loved you

  1. Exellent example of why I say Romanian is the language of poetry; beautiful in Romanian, not so extraordinary in English. Really looking forward to my forthcoming trip to Romania to be surrounded by this lovely poetic language. I’m hoping that a month there might help me write it a little better. X

    Liked by 1 person

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