AshiAkira Haiku Poems


mopana-Ashi-Haiku-ebook-01AshiAkira, my dear Grandpa from Japan, is a Master of Haiku. You know him because you’ve read his poems on my little blog many, many times. Many of you also know his poems from his blog AshiAkira. He wrote almost 2000 Haiku poems in 10 years. 

mopana-haiku-poems-05He’s the man whose poems made me write Haiku. I learn a lot from him and now I am so happy that his beautiful poems are published.

Anyway, today I want to present you his book. You can find it on as ebook or paperback

If you want to read more about his book, you can jump here: My book published

38 thoughts on “AshiAkira Haiku Poems

  1. Wow, Monica, I don’t know how to thank you enough for this beautiful post about my book. I really appreciate it.

    My dear granddaughter
    Far beyond the land and sea
    I feel you close here

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Hi Monica,

    My love for haiku poetry goes back to high school here in Chicago where we had classes in it. I won a city prize with one of mine, and I will share it with you here (remember I was young and inexperienced):

    Waves rise in anger
    and assail the helpless shore.
    Behold the storm’s wrath.

    Hugs, Rich

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for the introduction to your grandfather’s work. I am also publishing my lifelong works via my blog an American Haiku, so I find an affinity to his work. I’m looking forward to reading both your’s and his. I simply call my poems Satoris, since they don’t fit into the true Haiku form.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Yes. I know my stuff is not Haiku. It’s not even Haibun. But it is based on the principle of “aware” that Bashō describes as his intent in writing in that style. It’s an opening of the senses to a moment in time that I find impossible to limit to the 3 lines 17 syllables of a true Haiku. I’m starting to call them Satoris for that reason.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. you have always been creative and fresh in your ideas which makes your writing a must read by all. A lovely tribute indeed. Keep smiling

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Bonjour ou bonsoir MOPANA
    S’il existe un sentiment
    Pas toujours perçu a sa juste valeur, c’est bien l’amitié

    Elle est beaucoup plus sincère et profonde

    Que la simple camaraderie

    Redonne souvent de l’espoir quand la vie est difficile
    L’amitié ne s’épanouit de respect et d’honnêteté
    Voila donc pourquoi, jouir de ton amitié
    D’une personne comme toi, est un immense privilège
    Que rien au monde ne serait remplacer
    Je te souhaite une belle et agréable journée ou soirée

    Je te fais de Gros Bisous.



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