Suntem nemuritori? – Are we immortals?


by Monica



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Citește și: Vreau omenie



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Viteza trecerii timpului mă surprinde, am impresia că nu îi fac față și că, de multe ori, îl las să treacă pe lângă mine. Știu că e ireversibil, că nu mai poți întoarce anii și nici să oprești un moment.


…deși timpul e un haos, e atât de puternic și dur încât nu iartă nimic. Dacă vrei să dai ofrandă zeilor,


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dă-le o zi din viața ta! Nimic nu doare mai tare decât pierderea clipelor. De multe ori le risipim fără să ne dăm seama și apoi le cerșim cu patos.

Nu realizăm că cea mai mare valoare o are timpul… punem accent pe orgolii și suferință.


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Nu ne permitem mai mult. Avem gândirea limitată, visele listate și dorințele, neîmplinite și distruse.

Stresul ne afectează…

…lipsa timpului ne afectează…

…ne dorim mereu mai mult, să facem mai multe și nu facem față…

Uităm de ceea ce contează pentru sufletul nostru și aruncăm cu timp în stânga și în dreapta de parcă am fi nemuritori.

Cărțile mele

mopana - Cum sa-ti dublezi traficul pe blog simplu si elegant mopana-the-dark-side-of-blogging


Are we immortals?


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Read also: I want humanity



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Time flies with a speed that surprises me. I have the impression that I can’t face it and, often, I let it fly beside me. I know that it’s irreversible, that I can not bring back anything or to stop a moment.


…although time is a chaos, it is so strong and tough that it does not forgive anything. If you want to give


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an offering to the gods, give them a day from your life! Nothing hurts more than losing moments. We often dispel them without realizing it and then we want them back.

We do not realize what great value the time has… we value only the pride or suffering. We


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can not afford more. We have a limited thinking, our dreams are listed, and desires, unfulfilled and destroyed.

The stress affects us…

…the lack of time affects us…

…we always want more, to do more but we can’t…

We forget what matters to our soul and we throw with time to the left or right as if we are immortals.

My ebooks

mopana - Double Your Blog Traffic Now With 2 Simple Methods mopana - How to easily set up a Bilingual Blog  mopana-the-dark-side-of-blogging

56 thoughts on “Suntem nemuritori? – Are we immortals?

    • Yes, we, unfortunately, waste what we have, Chris.
      Thank you so much for buying my last ebook 🙂 I hope you’ll find it interesting and helpful.
      By the way, I would want to ask you a favor. I want to launch another one about adolescence, with all the emotions we feel when we are teenagers. It is made with some of my posts you read already on my blog. What I ask you is if you could help me with the spellchecking. Of course, if you have time. If you could do it I will send the ebook. If you don’t have time please tell me! Don’t be shy 🙂
      Many thanks
      Mo-hugs ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Timpul este o obsesie. Poate pentru ca il percepem ca pe o resursa. Daca incerci sa te porti ca si cand ai avea timp, acest comportament isi va arata efectul (nu am spus-o eu, dar m-am regasit in acest concept)! Obsesia timpului se va estompa incet, incet! Am scris si eu vreo cateva articole despre timp, atat pe Noctambulul, cat si pe Sleepless Bobby. Am auzit ca timpul nu apare in teoriile importante de fizica. Poate cel mai bun exemplu este E=mc^2; energie, masa, viteza luminii. Din perspective stiintifice, timpul se contracta si timpul se dilata. Din perspectiva practica, a omului obisnuit, timpul trece. Tic, tac, tic, tac…
    Am vrut sa vin cu un simplu raspuns in engleza, dar iata ca m-am intins la vorba!
    Iata raspunsul la intrebarea din titlu: as long as we are alive!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, yeah! You’re right. As long as we are alive!
      Eu cred ca timpul e o constanta care trece constant pe langa noi si realizam asta cand e prea tarziu. Nu-mi pasa de formule. Ele sunt pentru istorie, dar istoria o face… timpul. Asa cred eu 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Time is certainly fleeting, Monica. I’m reminded of Pink Floyd’s song “Time”. In the song he sings:

    “Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain
    You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today
    And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
    No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun”.

    So true!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Time passes. Listen. Time passes.

    Come closer now.

    Only you can hear the houses sleeping in the streets in the slow deep salt and silent black, bandaged night. Only you can see in the blinded bedrooms, the combs and petticoats over the chairs, the jugs and basins, the glasses of teeth, Thou Shalt Not on the wall, and the yellowing, dickybird-watching pictures of the dead. Only you can hear and see, behind the eyes of the sleepers, the movements and countries and mazes and colours and dismays and rainbows and tunes and wishes and flight and fall and despairs and big seas of their dreams.

    From where you are, you can hear their dreams….

    Liked by 2 people

  4. This is such a well expressed essay. Time appears to accelerate for me as I age, and surprises me with it’s passing nearly every day. Enjoyed reading your thoughts. Thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Bonjour ou mon bonsoir mon amie MOPANA

    Je ne suis pas présent tous les jours

    Mais notre amitié est comme une fleur ou

    comme une orchidée ou celle-ci fleurit parfois

    Dans des endroits insoupçonnés

    Cette fleur il faut savoir la cultiver et en prendre soin

    Avec tendresse et patience

    Je te souhaite une belle journée ou soirée bisous

    de même pour tous les tiens

    Bernard bisous

    Liked by 1 person

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