Tu ești unic/ă – You are unique




Umbre-03Nobody can tell you what to do when you’re… sad.

Nobody can tell you what to do when you’re… happy.

Nobody can tell you what to do when you’re… angry.

Nobody can tell you what to do when you’re… glad.

Nobody can tell you what to do when you… nervous.

Nobody can tell you what to do when you… calm.

Nobody can tell you what to do when… you love.

Nobody can tell you what to do when… you hate. 

Nobody can tell you what to do when… your heart is broken.

Nobody can teach you to dream.

Because you’re unique. Because what applies to others, does not apply to you.

P.S. – But some might know what to tell you when you’re… wrong. And maybe it would be better to listen to them. You can learn from others’ mistakes. 

In the final, I invite you to see how it looks “Elegance in blue“.



Umbre-02Nimeni nu poate să-ți spună ce să faci când ești… trist.

Nimeni nu poate să-ți spună ce să faci când ești… fericit.

Nimeni nu poate să-ți spună ce să faci când ești… supărat.

Nimeni nu poate să-ți spună ce să faci când ești… bucuros.

Nimeni nu poate să-ți spună ce să faci când ești… nervos.

Nimeni nu poate să-ți spună ce să faci când ești… calm.

Nimeni nu poate să-ți spună ce să faci când… iubești.

Nimeni nu poate să-ți spună ce să faci când… urăști. 

Nimeni nu poate să-ți spună ce să faci când… ai inima frântă.

Nimeni nu te poate învăța să visezi.

Pentru că tu ești unic/ă. Pentru că ce se aplică la alții, nu ți se aplică și ție.

P.S. – Dar unii s-ar putea să știe ce să-ți spună când… greșești. Și poate ar fi bine să-i asculți. Poți învăța din greșelile altora.

În încheiere te invit să vezi cum arată “Eleganța în albastru

96 thoughts on “Tu ești unic/ă – You are unique

  1. Emotions are natural to human and so is their expression. It is very humane to accept our mistakes when others point them out. It is possible that it’s not even a mistake in your opinion but what’s the harm in listening! You always have the freedom of reaction.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re right, Mann 🙂
      But not all the people recognized their mistakes. They think that they know everything and they can’t do mistakes. I know people like that.

      Liked by 1 person

      • They do exist. But it’s their loss in the long run.
        On the other hand we should focus more on ourselves to be better every new day-by accepting our mistakes or I would say deficiencies…try to correct them and be happy and contended.

        Liked by 1 person

          • Sweetie, They hurt you years ago and are not even thinking about it, and YOU are still hurting yourself by giving importance to them and what they did to you.
            It was a mistake to have wrong people in your life (it applies to me as well). So what we are going to do now…we are going to correct our mistake and erase them and make place for some deserving ones…Can we do that? Now smile. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

            • I know you’re right, Mann. I struggled with my feelings a long time. Until I realized that those people deserve nothing from me. And, you’re right again, I must live my life as I want without them. And I started to do it. And I feel better now :))
              Thank you so much for your help and support, my dear friend ❤

              Liked by 1 person

              • Don’t thank me. We all are human and we tend to become weak every now or then. It’s just that the one who is feeling strong can always make the other one feel better. That’s how it should be.
                Today you were weak, may be tomorrow it’s my turn.
                It’s good we have each other.:)

                Liked by 1 person

  2. Nobody can tell you… much… Everyone makes his or her own choices. Now even if nobody can tell you much, you can always listen. And observe. There is always a lot to learn.
    (And if you have any doubt, you, my friend, are quite unique)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, it’s about choices and learning.
      You are quite unique, too, Brian 🙂
      You know, one day I will ask you for a testimonial for my writing for my blog. I would love to know your opinion, Brian 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

            • About my blog, my writing, my poetry. Maybe about what do you think about my thinking at 17. Something like that. If you liked one of my post in particular and you could recommend it. Something like that. 🙂 Thank you in advance, Brian ❤

              Liked by 1 person

              • Ok. Give me time to think. I never start writing until the “story” is complete in my head. So I will start listening to the story that flies somewhere about you. It may take just a few days, weeks or even months… 🙂

                Liked by 1 person

                • There’s no problem, Brian. Anyway, I’ll miss a period from here. I had a very stressful time and I’m very tired. I can’t wait for vacation. Be well my friend!
                  See you soon! ❤

                  Liked by 1 person

                    • I don’t doubt it a minute. 🙂 You seem to have so much energy, and… a keen eye. You look at things around you. How’s the holiday so far? (And how’s your father doing? Job-hunting in the summer may not be the best period)

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Having nothing to do is more than delightful, Brian 🙂 Holiday is always a blessing. So far, I had fun with my friends. Next week I’ll be with my father at my uncle house. He has a little courtyard with many flowers and a little pool. It will be very fun.
                      Yes, the summer is not good for job-hunting, especially on television. 😦 Will see.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Your uncle’s house has a garden dwarf AND a pool? 🙂
                      About job-hunting, September is only a month and a half away. The important thing is that your father keeps his spirits up. Take care “Monique”. Pe mai tarziu…


                    • Yes, my uncle has all of that, Brian.
                      Regarding my father, he knows. He’s ok. We now work to 3 Ebooks together. One about my adventure in blogging, another about traps in blogging and one is a collection of my haikus. We want to translate them and sell them. We need to find someone to help us with the translation. But till then, we have to finish them. Maybe we will earn some money in this way. And if it will work, maybe we will continue to write Ebooks. 🙂

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Hey! That is great news. I still have to jump the step to self-publishing on-line. One point you need to think about is DISTRIBUTION and DIFFUSION. It’s relatively easy to E-publish I think but how do you reach 1000’s of buyers? That is the key issue which I haven’t been able to solve. How do you make yourself accessible to a wide public?


                    • Hey! I will publish chapters on my blog and maybe I will ask my fellow bloggers to help me to promote my books. I will promote them on my Twitter and on my personal Facebook account. I will also look for other ways to promote them. I will see. That’s what I have in my mind for now. 🙂

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Yesterday i had a conversation with one of your compatriots. She taught me the the phrase “cu placere”. 😎 and she told me how to pronounce correctly: “mulumesc”. 🤓 i learned sometjing. 😉

                      Liked by 1 person

  3. La noi functioneaza un asa zis exces de zel. Esti suparata? Aa pai trebuie sa faci asa si asa.
    Esti nervoasa? Da, pai trebuie sa…
    Pe ala il iubesti? Dar nu stii ca ala…
    Eu mi-as dori sa aud macar un om in viata atunci cand ma doare capul sau ceva sa imi spuna “imi pare rau, stiu cat de nasol e” si nu “ai luat un nurofen?”. Si eu stiu ca se poate lua ceva de durere, dar nu de asta am zis ca ma doare.. Altfel as fi intrebat “ce sa iau ca ma doare capul?”
    Empatia nu funcționează in tara noastra, asta e clar.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Bonjour MOPANA
    Mon passage sur ton joli blog
    Ce sont mes 2 mains sur mon clavier
    Sur un profil une belle image
    Qui derrière cet écran se trouve une personne de gentille
    La ou je retrouve une de mes meilleurs amies ou amis
    Je te fais un énorme sourire même si tu ne vois pas
    Dans le fond de mon cœur je te l’offre
    Passe une agréable journée
    Surtout ensoleillé ,chez moi le temps pas extra
    Bise amicale Bernard

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Good heavens! I’m on an iPad and at the bottom of the page it said: “WordPress uses cookies, click close to accept.”

    So I clicked “close”, but then it also had me click “unfollow” at the same time, how stupid is that to put the same click in the same place?
    Just to let you know why I just clicked “follow”, when I have already been following you. 🙂


  6. It feels like that sometimes, doesn’t it? That other people’s advice is not for us, because we are unique. Yet, we forget that besides being unique we are part of human race, we laugh the same, cry the same, feel the same. We are different and yet so alike.
    🙂 May your week be beautiful my dear friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Bonsoir MOPANA
    Laisse le bonheur te surprendre
    passe une bonne soirée dans la joie et la bonne humeur
    Ce mardi n’as pas été beau du tout
    Je me demande si le soleil existe encore
    Mais de passer chez toi me mets du baume au cœur

    gros bisous , Bernard, belle soirée

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: EPIC AWESOMNESS AWARD – Life is all about PAIN

  9. Your writing always connects with me! Loved this, it’s true we are unique and each person has to find their own answers due to that very reason. Being unique isn’t an easy task, but then again who would want to be the same as others ? Very thoughtfully written and also quite thought provoking I would say. Great work Monica! Cheers 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Bonjour
    Toi mon amie MOPANA
    Tu remplis mes jours de joie
    Le matin à mon réveil , tu seras présent au cours de ma journée
    Belle Amitié entre nous , tu ouvres mon cœur
    Tu me donnes ce que j’ai envie par tes petits messages
    Des fois je souries quand je suis mélancolique
    Bises passe une belle journée

    Profite de ton week-end et de la semaine à venir


  11. Bonjour

    Entre nous , nous avons scellé un pacte celui de l’amitié

    Cette amitié une fleur qui s’épanouies au fis des jours des mois des années

    Ces pétales ont eu du mal de s’ouvrir au départ mais ensemble

    On en a pris soin et ses pétales ce sont grandes ouvertes

    Comme la naissance d’un enfant

    Alors empêchons cette fleur de se faner

    Je t’embrasse passe une agréable journée


    Liked by 1 person

  12. Pingback: Bad Reviews | look around!

    • Many thanks, Roland.
      I am fine and very busy with my last year in high school. I hope you’re well and healthy, too.
      Mo-hugs and kisses ❤


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