Nu sunt perfectă și nu aș vrea să fiu – I’m not perfect and I wouldn’t want to be


by Monica


my-age-01     Numele meu este Monica, am 17 ani și locuiesc în București, România. Sunt o persoană pasionată de artă, iar asta pentru mine înseamnă aspirația spre un ideal de perfecțiune.

   Arta înseamnă muncă, dedicație și talent. Iar partea mea preferată când vine vorba de artă este legată de ceea ce poți oferi lumii. Poți surprinde și bucura priviri prin desene, poți încânta auzul prin muzică și poți atinge o inimă prin scris.

    Dintre toate, eu aș alege mereu scrisul. Mă reprezintă și îmi dă posibilitatea de-a mă remarca. Nu vreau să fiu o simplă fată pe care ai văzut-o o dată în parc, într-o mulțime de oameni. Vreau să fiu remarcată prin ceea ce scriu, ceea ce spun și ceea ce mă definește. Indiferent dacă sunt în contradicții si confuzii. Citește tot articolul aici!


I’m not perfect and I wouldn’t want to be

my-age-01     My name is Monica, I’m 17 years old and I live in Bucharest, Romania. I am a passionate person of art and, to me, that means I aspire to an ideal of perfection.

     Art means work, dedication and talent. And my favorite aspect of art is related to what you can offer the world. You can capture and enjoy glances through drawings, you can delight the hearing through music and you can touch a heart through writing.

     Of all the arts, I would always choose writing. It represents me and gives me the opportunity to be noticed. I don’t want to be a simple girl that you’ve just seen once in the park, in a crowd. I want to be known for what I write, what I say and what defines me. No matter whether I’m full of contradictions and confusions. Continue reading here!

Before you leave take a look at my little store

My Shop Front




mopana-drawings-exhibition-01 mopana-bookstore-01 mopana-shop-01

33 thoughts on “Nu sunt perfectă și nu aș vrea să fiu – I’m not perfect and I wouldn’t want to be

  1. Meeting you is the best surprises of this 2016, dear Monica. I am sure that people like you are unique and have to be treasured. I do appreciate our friendship and admire the development of your multiple talents! You are so talented, my dear!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Bonsoir MOPANA

    Dans un cadre chaleureux
    L’Amitié est une maison
    Accueillante et agréable
    Il suffit d’ouvrir la porte de son cœur
    Pour offrir le meilleur de soi-même
    Je te souhaite une bonne soirée

    Une belle semaine

    Gros bisous

    Une rose d’amitié à t’offrir


    Liked by 2 people

  3. Aw!!! You look soooo cute Monica. I really like what you have to say, who you are. I am really grateful to have been blessed with a wonderful friend in you! Best wishes sweetie. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Monica! What I admire most in your writing is the simplicity of your words but the profoundness of your message. I still remember a post you wrote about ‘Do you want to be famous’ In that there were so many blinking eyes, and you wrote ‘Do you want so many eyes to stare at you?’ it still comes in my mind and surprises me! How powerfully you have put that thought in my mind! 🙂
    Besides I have many composotions of yours which are etched in my memory! Some of your mystical artworks make me pause and wonder what inspired you to draw it. Your love of trees, flowers and your love towards your dad comes into my mind when I think of you. I am pleased to learn that you want to be known for your writing! That’s awesome! You are so dearly admired for all your creativity! 🙂

    PS:- I just noticed I can’t find the dancing reindeer on your blog! I loved it so much! Has it gone with Santa for Christmas ? 🙂


  5. I just read this whole post, including the update to your About page. We are all full of contradictions, Monica, it’s part of being human! But I love your writing, because I feel like I can connect with you through it. Your photographs and drawings also give us a window into your soul, and I feel like you’re a warm and caring person. And you like tigers!!! 😀


  6. Bonjour ou bonsoir MOPANA
    Par des mots simples

    Je viens déposer sur ton blog

    Quelques mots de bonheur et te donner de le joie en cette fin de semaine
    Vois-tu je t’ emmène sur des chemins

    Je les ai tracé pour toi principalement

    Sur ces chemins j’ai découvert
    Une pétale de rose pour effacer ta peine
    Un sourire d’enfant contre une larme
    Des mots que je dis à ceux que j’apprécie
    Dont tu fais réellement

    je te souhaite un bonne journée ou soirée

    gros bisous


    Je tire ma révérence LOL tu me troubles que j’en perds mon équilibre

    Liked by 1 person

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