Time goes too quickly


by Monica


mopana-dads-birthday     Viteza trecerii timpului mă surprinde. Am impresia că nu îi fac față și că de multe ori îl las să treacă pe lângă mine. Știu că e ireversibil, că nu mai poți întoarce anii și nici să oprești un moment. Dar, pare dureros. Anii și clipele trăite au o valoare incomensurabilă. Ne arată cum trăim și cum ne maturizăm.

     Iar în această zi de 18.12.2016, realizez că a mai trecut un an din viața tatălui meu. Deși pare de necrezut, a trecut atât de repede încât abia am avut timp să realizez și să îi pot spune un sincer “Te iubesc!” și un călduros “La multi ani!”.


mopana-dads-birthday     The speed with which time passes surprises me. I have the impression that I can’t handle it and that often I let it pass by me. I know it’s irreversible, you can no longer return years or to stop a moment. But it looks painful. Years and the moments we lived have an immeasurable value. They show us how we live and how we grow.

     And in this day, 18/12/2016, I realize that another year of my father’s life has gone. Although it seems unbelievable, it passed so quickly that I barely had time to realize. And all I want to tell him is a sincere “I love you, Dad!” and a warm “Happy Birthday, Daddy!”.

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24 thoughts on “Time goes too quickly

  1. Yes, I also recognize that time is running and I felt desperate to catch every single second that won’t return. Maybe that’s why I love making videos, because it’s like I can bring back the time…
    Happy BIRTHDAY to your wonderful Dad, he can be proud of having such a lovely daughter!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, time is running so fast. Catching it on videos is the best thing to do beautiful memories 🙂 I will convey your words to my beautiful dad, thank you very much, Ann 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for sharing this, happy birthday 🎂 to your dad, tell him thank you for bringing such marvelous person to this world

    Liked by 1 person

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