Suflet rănit – Wounded soul


by Monica


Îmi place să desenez.

Să creez… Să combin… Să caut frumusețea în detalii…

Îmi place cum se aude liniștea când desenez.

Aceasta este expoziția mea.


sunteți criticii.



Am trapped inside me

I would like to escape, but

No one can see me

Vezi și “Pe marginemopana-on-the-edge-01


I like drawing.

to create… to combine… to seek beauty in details…

I love how silence sounds when I draw.

This is my exhibition.


are the critics…


the drawer.

Am trapped inside me

I would like to escape, but

No one can see me

See also “On the edgemopana-on-the-edge-01


101 thoughts on “Suflet rănit – Wounded soul

  1. Pingback: Suflet rănit – Wounded soul — look around! | Le Bien-Etre au bout des Doigts

  2. Pingback: Chinatown – Boston | look around!

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  4. Pingback: The Trickster | look around!

  5. Pingback: Hidden in the Depths | look around!

  6. Pingback: Your Story Became My Own | look around!

  7. Wow, Mon, I don’t know even what to say, any word or compliment will be still not enough to tell me how I admire your talent and your deep look at this world. There is a very fragile soul inside who needs to come out. And it does in the more elegant way. You drawing is very artistic. Never doubt that. Never doubt that you are talented. You need to develop your natural gift and move on in this direction. I guess when you do draw you feel like a fish in water, in our own zone of comfort, right?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: True beauty from heart | look around!

  9. Talent, intelepciune, frumusete , am ramas fara cuvinte draga mea. Iti doresc tot binele din lume, succes, fericire, tot ce iti doresti. Imi place si apreciez tare mult tot ceea ce faci ! Pupici, imbratisari calde, si o seara minunata alaturi de familie si cei dragi tie ! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Multumesc frumos, Ileana 🙂
      Ca intotdeauna, esti un suflet frumos si un om care ma sustine mereu. Si tu sa ai o seara superba alaturi de cei dragi tie ❤
      pupici multi :*

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Pingback: Today on “look around!” | look around!

  11. You are very talented with ever which endeavour you undertake. This piece is an Artistic creativity of what your emotion is telling you at the moment. Most people feel trap inside to express their true selves. Well done


  12. wow, how did you draw those eye lashes, they look real! Monica, I love the idea, the haiku and the artwork. Just outstanding 🙂 Have a Great week sweetie, xx


  13. This is very good. Both the thought/concept and the drawing. (Are you taking art classes?)
    Now you can view yourself as your own prison or your own infinite. Your own infinite world.
    Your choice. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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