E tare greu… – It is so hard…

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E tare greu când inima nu vrea să uite

E tare greu când pleci fără să spui

E tare greu s-o minți doar prin cuvinte

Și nu ajută, zău, chiar nimănui.


E tare greu când inima nu vrea să uite

Cuvintele hălăduie haotic în eter

Eterul ce îl am acum în minte

Ce-a fost, a fost, dar parcă mult prea efemer.



It is so hard when the heart doesn’t want to forget

It is so hard when the heart refuses to accept

It is so hard when you go without a word

It is so hard when you break down my world.


It is so hard when the heart doesn’t want to forget

Words wander chaotic in ether

The ether that I have it in my mind

What has been, it has been, but it seems too ephemeral.

43 thoughts on “E tare greu… – It is so hard…

  1. Beautiful poem! It speaks to me of love and anguish. It speaks of feelings no words can fully express. You create a painting that speaks truth something so deep that most of us try to avoid. Beautifully written🙂🌸

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