Cum e să fii viu? – How is it to be alive?

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Uităm să trăim prezentul și opunem rezistență acțiunilor pe care nu le înțelegem

Tu vezi lumea? Vezi frumusețea? Te vezi pe tine cel adevărat? Eu nu mai știu…

mopana-how-is-it-to-be-alive-03Ce înseamnă să trăiești? Cum e să fii viu? Parcă nimic nu mă poate face să mă rup de iluziile mințiile mele. Parcă tot ce fac e să aștept.. Mereu aștept ceva. De fapt… Toți așteptăm ceva: ziua așteptăm să vină seara, azi așteptăm să vină ziua de mâine, așteptăm să vină vacanța… Așteptăm toata viața să vină fericirea.


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Nu putem spune “STOP”. Nu e ușor să ne creem împlinirea. Ne lăsăm furați de gânduri și situații limită. Privim lumea fără să înțelegem de ce e așa, trăim numai după propria percepție și vedem viața dintr-o singură perspectivă. Trăim fără un scop bine definit și apoi plângem pentru că nu știm cine suntem. Ne gândim mai mult la alții, decât la noi, invidiem fericirea celor din jur, pentru simplul fapt că nu știm ce se ascunde în spatele zâmbetelor.

Ce înseamănă să trăiești? Cum e să fii viu?

Uităm să trăim prezentul și opunem rezistență acțiunilor pe care nu le înțelegem. Suntem oameni, ne preocupăm de ceea ce ne lipsește și uităm de frumusețea ascunsă a propriei ființe. Uităm să săpăm mai adânc în noi și nu ne mai punem întrebări legate de cum ne simțim.


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Reprimăm gândurile negative, în loc să le facem față sau să le refulăm. Ne lăsăm furați de plăcerile fizice. Nu mai punem accentul pe emoții. Știm ce sunt emoțiile, le simțim, dar nu știm cum să le oprim. Și așa cum zicea pshihologul Baverly Fehr “TOȚI ȘTIU CE E O EMOȚIE, PÂNĂ CÂND LI SE CERE SĂ DEA O DEFINIȚIE“.

Nu mai suntem conștienți. Dacă e o emoție negativă așteptăm să treacă, dacă e una pozitivă ne sperie gândul că va trece. Știm că toate trec, dar de multe ori ceea ce avem, ne-am dori sa rămână veșnic.


We forget to live in the present and we resist to the actions that we do not understand

Do you see the world? Do you see the beauty? Do you see the real you? I do not know anymore…

mopana-how-is-it-to-be-alive-03What means living? How is it to be alive? It looks like nothing can make me break up with the illusions of my mind. It seems that all I do is to wait… always expect something. In fact… we all are waiting for something: in the daytime we wait for the evening, today we wait for tomorrow, we wait for holiday… We wait all our life for happiness.


Source: Google Image

We can not say “STOP”. It’s not easy to create fulfillment. We let us stolen by thoughts and extreme situations. We look at the world without understanding why is like that, we live only after our own perception and we see the life from a single perspective. We live without a definite purpose and then we complain because we do not know who we are. We think more about others than us, we envy the happiness of others, simply because we do not know what lies behind the smiles.

What means living? How is it to be alive?

We forget to live in the present and we resist to the actions that we do not understand. We are people, we are concerned with what we lack and we forget the hidden beauty from within. We forget to dig deeper into us and we do not ask ourselves questions about how we feel.


Source: Google Image

We suppress negative thoughts, instead of face them or repress them. We let ourselves stolen by physical pleasures. We no longer focus on emotions. We know what are the emotions, we feel them, but we do not know how to stop them. As the psychologist Beverley Fehr said: “ALL PEOPLE KNOW WHAT AN EMOTION IS UNTIL THEY ARE ASKED TO DEFINE IT“.

We are not aware anymore. If it’s a negative emotion we expect to pass, if is a positive one we are afraid that will pass. We know that all are passing, but often what we have we want to stay forever.

42 thoughts on “Cum e să fii viu? – How is it to be alive?

  1. Deep life questions we all ask, Monica, a thought provoking read. All we can do is live the best we can, enjoying every moment and trying to stay present, trying not to judge or jump too far ahead. Hugs to you my friend. xo

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Very deep and provocative questions, and very well-written. For what it is worth ~ and I pray it is worthy ~ there really is more to life than simply existing from moment to moment, even more than trying to enjoy each moment in the present, without looking to the past or future. After all, we humans are very unique creations ~ one might say almost divinely human ~ and so we must ultimately find contentment and fulfillment above and beyond ourselves … in something, or Someone, that is the best and highest and, thus, perfectly able to fill our lives with meaning, purposes, fulfillment and satisfaction. All the best to you w/blessings!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. You have some good points here, Monica. I find it a challenge to be i the moment and not be thinking of what will happen next. But perhaps I am getting better at this. I truly want to live and not just pass through this life. Cheers, my friend.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. You are so right, Mon,life goes by and we don’t see it. Daily routine and wishes to have something more make us blind and unemotional…and then you come and help us to stop for a minute and think and appreciate and enjoy! Thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. True, we definitely are afraid that Positive emotions will pass. All these questions you have sweetie are common questions we all ask ourselves like the purpose of life, why we are living etc .This is human nature I guess and as far as I have figured out, all of us find our very own answers. Some find answers in living life monotonously, some find the answers in living life as emotionless creatures and some in living their life in Present. All of us were born to serve different purpose and I guess to be alive is to find oneself. why are we here? My answer is seeking Joy in everyday life, that is how I like to live and that is my purpose of life.
    Deep questions there and you have written a thought Provoking piece as always.
    Have a good day my friend. xx

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Carpe diem indeed. We need a succession of these days to build the memories that create a life well lived. I recall a movie quote “”Hey… life is pretty stupid; with lots of hubbub to keep you busy, but really not amounting to much.” Of course I’m paraphrasing: “Life is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” – Steve Martin/Shakespeare

    Great post, Monica. 💗

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Monica, I have thinking a lot about what you are talking about. Right now I am learning to be a Life Coach using a great tool called the Enneagram to help myself and others to live in the present without judgement of self and others. It is a process to help people to live what you are inviting us to do through your blog message. I appreciate your perspective and know we have a lot in common. Blessings Roland

    Liked by 1 person

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