Frunza uriașă – The Giant Leaf

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Belvedere Palace, Vienna


mopana-giant-leaf-vienna-02Era uriașă, dar încântătoare. Era aproape jumătate din mine. Puteai să-ți faci o casă din ea. De fapt, întregul ansamblu părea o căsuță a piticilor din povestea Albă ca Zăpada.

Știam că există frunze de mărimi gigantice în lumea asta. Le văzusem la televizor, în junglă, acolo unde sper în continuare să ajung. În junglă, nu la televizor :))

mopana-giant-leaf-vienna-03Nu mă așteptam, însă, să găsesc unele chiar în inima Vienei. Știu că se spune că orice oraș e o junglă, dar credeam că e la figurat, nu la propriu. :))

Eram cu tata în grădina Palatului Belvedere și am văzut, printr-un gard, o altă grădină. Era, de fapt, Grădina Botanică a Palatului Belvedere. mopana-giant-leaf-vienna-01Ce ți-e și cu împărații ăștia! 🙂 Cum văd o plantă care le place, pac trântesc o grădină botanică lângă palat 🙂

Să mai spun că intrarea era gratuită? Sau că înăuntru erau fel de fel de plante și copaci superbi? Data viitoare într-un material special.



Belvedere Palace, Vienna


mopana-giant-leaf-vienna-02It was huge but lovely. Almost half of me. You could do a house from it. In fact, the whole ensemble seemed to be the little house from the story of the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

I knew there are gigantic leaves in this world. I had seen them on television, in the jungle, where I still hope to be one day. In the jungle, not on TV :))


I did not expect, however, to find some of them right in the very heart of Vienna.

I know they say that any city is a jungle, but I thought it is figurative, not for real. :))

I was with my father in the garden of Belvedere Palace and I saw through a fence, another garden. It was, in fact, the Botanical Garden of Belvedere Palace. mopana-giant-leaf-vienna-01What is it with these kings, anyway?! 🙂 They are so crazy…! When they see a plant they like, BAM!!! they make a botanical garden near the palace 🙂

Do I need to say that the entry was free? Or that there were all sorts of gorgeous plants and trees? Next time in a special post.


About leaves you can also read beautiful stories and see amazing photos here:

  1. School Greenhouse

  2. Bramble

  3. Beech and horse chestnut leaves

  4. Observing Worlds Within Worlds

  5. One act at a time

  6. Winter is Coming

  7. #529

  8. Weekly Photo Challenge: Opposites

  9. Fallen leaves

  10. Leaves (Roberto Malfatti)

  11. Ordinary objects

  12. Foraging

  13. 365 Patterns

  14. Young Leaves

  15. Lady Slipper

  16. Leaf and Light 96

  17. The way of the leaf continua 6

  18. Nature in its splendor

33 thoughts on “Frunza uriașă – The Giant Leaf

  1. Yeah, I’ve been there once, a very beautiful place! It was the last city during my journey, and since my feet were painful after too much walk, I even could not see the whole place, which I pity now! Looking forward to seeing more of your photos!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Just looking at your pic, first thing that came to my mind- Is this Liliput?
    Leaves are really huge. What’s the name of this plant?


  3. Those leaves are huge! Maybe a trip to the botanical gardens is a must when visiting Vienna. Wonderful pictures Monica, and you’d look just like Snow white standing next to those leaves. You should shop online and see if you can buy a dress and seven dwarfs to go with it! 😜😂👍👍

    Liked by 1 person

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