Puritate – Purity

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Cu cât deschizi mai larg ochii, cu atât vei vedea mai multă frumusețe! Dacă ești dispus să lași lumina să-ți ghideze privirea, vei vedea o minunăție aparte. Toate stările noastre: de tristețe, de nervi, de dezamăgire, ne blochează să privim cu inima. Această mică minune a naturii…

Acești puișori sunt o adevărată frumusețe. Pentru mine, nimic nu se poate compara cu sentimentul pe care l-am avut când i-am atins. Era un fel de frică, erau așa firavi. Nu mă pot opri din a mă gândi la ei. Acei puișori au o puritate prea mare pentru micuțul lor corp…


If you open your eyes wider, you will see more beauty! If you are willing to let the light to guide your eyes, you’ll see a special wonder. All our states: sadness, anger, disappointment, block us to look with the heart. This small wonder of nature…

These chickens are a real beauty. For me, nothing can compare to the feeling I had when I touched them. It was a sort of fear, they were so frail. I can not stop myself from thinking about them. Those chickens have a too big purity for their little body…

83 thoughts on “Puritate – Purity

  1. Oh how awesome. They are so cute, and yes, pure. It is important to open our eyes to the beauty that surrounds us. It is a reason that I like photography because it helps me to see this. Cheers! 😃

    Liked by 4 people

  2. You’re officially awesome!!! 💛💛💛
    Grand words & totally cute photographs!!!
    I’d love to reblog this post sometime next week 😊😊😊

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Întotdeauna mi-au placut puii mici. Am stat mult la tara cand eram copila si eram in stare sa dorm cu ei acolo sa le tin de cald si sa ii ingrijesc. Si acum as face la fel. Sunt firavi, asa e.. poate asta ii face asa de speciali ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I think that’s a cute picture of the chick, they really are pure arnt they. Did you know that they closed the Shamu show at SeaWorld. there’s this fake misleading documentary called black fish and its really hurt them. Check out my blog at Gastradamus and let me know what you think.

    Liked by 1 person

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