Friends are like stars… but the stars disappear when the storm is coming!

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Un prieten e “cel care te face să vezi soarele din spatele furtunii

mopana sadnessNe naștem printre oameni și, normal, ne ferim de singurătate. Pentru că avem de nevoie de PRIETENI!

Ce e de fapt un prieten? Eu cred că un prieten e “cel care te face să vezi soarele din spatele furtunii”. Un prieten adevărat e cel care te învață să trăiești și să accepți tot ce se întâmplă în jurul tău. Și tot el te învață să te bucuri și de lumină, dar și te întuneric.

Cele mai de preț calități ale unei prietenii sunt:
– Respectul
– Iubirea
– Sinceritatea

Mai de mult mă întrebam cum e să ai prieteni adevărați… A fost în viața mea un băiat care mi-a zis că “prietenii sunt ca stelele… Nu-i vezi mereu, dar știi că sunt acolo!”.

Eu spun că e ușor să-ți faci prieteni… E mai greu când afli că-i ai degeaba… E adevarat că prietenii sunt ca stelele, dar stelele dispar când e furtună… :(


A friend is “the one who makes you see the sun behind the storm

Mo 02We are born among the people and, of course, we avoid loneliness. Because we need friends!

What is really a friend? I think a friend is “the one who makes you see the sun behind the storm.” A true friend is the one who teaches you to live and accept everything that happens around you. And he teaches you to enjoy both the light and the dark.

The qualities of a friendship are:

  • Confidence,
  • Respect,
  • Love,
  • Honesty.

A while ago I was wondering how is to have true friends… There was a guy in my life who told me that “friends are like stars… You do not see them always but you know they’re there.”

I say it’s easy to make friends… It’s harder when you find out that you have nothing… It is true that friends are like stars… but stars disappear when storm is coming… 😦

63 thoughts on “Friends are like stars… but the stars disappear when the storm is coming!

  1. Sometimes, friends are like the stars in the storm. They are behind the clouds and we can’t see them. But they are there. You know, sometimes it is not that we don’t have friends, it is just that they are busy with work or school or whatever, you know. Maybe we want them here now because we are lonely. But maybe we have to wait for them to be available…for the clouds to pass. Does this make any sense???

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Sometimes the best friend you can have is the one within yourself. Be your own best friend first. You will attract stars in your life Monica. True ones who will not let you down.

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  3. Oh sweet girl, friends are rare. The truly rich person can count their friends over a lifetime on one hand.
    You give your heart so freely. Don’t ever lose that. You will find the treasure of your friends, just keep your standards high, and know that you are valuable and worth their efforts of friendship.
    Bless you sweet girl.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. And sometimes our friends simply don’t realize that we may need a hug…and a friend because they may be sitting in their own storm. Sometimes all we need to do is to brush the clouds aside for a moment so we can find each other again.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Unfortunately, they are, but true friends always stay no matter of weather! That’s how you can exactly understand whether it’s your true friend or not…and if you have at least one such, than you are a very lucky girl!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. If friends are like stars who disappear when storm come, why make one. Let friendship be there and like air–colourless, odourless, shapeless and free from any type of binding still indispensable for life.Best thing, it shows the properties as per situation and moreover it wont leave even in storm (joking)

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Prietenii adevarati trebuie sa fie oameni cu multe calitati. Sa stie sa ajute, sa se tina de cuvant, sa stie sa te ridice din prapastie, sa aiba tot timpul o vorba buna, sa nu te lase cand ti-e lumea mai draga si multe altele. Eu am luat teapa de multe ori.. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  8. True friendship requires nothing in return, so it is okay to have nothing and when we gain a true friend we discover, we have everything. A great write, Monica!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I hope you are okay, Monica ❤ I have a few true friends that I trust, but I also have some that I thought I could trust, but they ended up letting me down big time. Unfortunately, that happens sometimes and although it’s hard to deal with, we have to :/ I’m not very good at seeing who is real and who is not, that’s something I need to learn for sure! Thanks for a great post that really made me think!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Fair weather friends are not really friends. I have known lots of people in my life and none of them ended up being true friends. The only true friend I have is myself and was my mom who taught about being your own best friend instead of being your own worse enemy. This is not to say there are no true friends out there – I know there are. 🙂

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