Hey, Barbie!



This is one of my first posts 🙂

A few days ago I rode a horse for the first time. I have no words to describe what I could feel when I saw Barbie! That horse… That tranquility and safety offered by a simple animal, but so proud… It was a dream. It was just one of the “100 wishes” and I can tell you that I was surprised. All the emotions I’ve lived until now were nothing compared to horse riding.

My Rodeo 02

My Rodeo 02

From horses you can take a lot of positive energy which could create inner peace moments inside you. In addition to adrenaline and fear, which you may feel when you see that horse catch a little speed, you can hear the silence behind the noise. You are that human being on the horse. You’re in your own world and enjoy those moments. This mixture of feelings and experiences has a big impact on your mind and soul and makes you forget everything (and not just because you are focused you don’t fall off).

For me this experience meant heaven on Earth (or rather on… horse). Try it yourself! I know, the moment is ephemeral, but leaves beautiful memories. This sport is noble. You can feel respect from the horse even if he/she is stubborn (and Barbie really was!). He/she makes you feel safe and strong. I loved those moments! I recommend everyone riding courses!


Acesta este unul dintre primele mele posturi 🙂

Zilele trecute am avut primul meu curs de călărie. Nu am cuvinte să descriu ce am putut simţi când am văzut-o pe Barbie! Acel cal… Acea liniște şi siguranță oferite de un simplu animal, dar atât de mândru… A fost un vis. A fost doar una din “Cele 100 de dorințe” pe care le am şi pot spune că am rămas surprinsă. Toate emoțiile pe care le-am trăit până acum au fost nimicuri în comparație cu călăritul.

My Rodeo 01

My Rodeo 01

De la cai poţi prelua multă energie pozitivă şi îţi creezi în acele momente o emoție puternică de pace interioară. Pe lângă adrenalina, pe care o simţi din plin, şi de frica pe care o poţi avea când vezi că prinde puţină viteză, auzi liniștea din spatele zgomotului. Acea ființă de pe cal eşti TU. Eşti în lumea ta şi te bucuri din plin de momentele acelea. Acest amestec de sentimente şi trăiri are un impact mare în minte şi-n suflet şi te face sa uiți tot (şi nu doar pentru că eşti concentrat să nu cazi).

Pentru mine această experienţă a însemnat raiul pe pământ (sau mai bine zis… pe cal :) ). Încercați! Momentul e efemer, dar lasă urme frumoase. Acest sport e nobil. Putem simţi respect din partea calului chiar dacă e mai încăpățânat. Așa este Barbie 🙂 Te face să te simţi în siguranţă şi puternic. Am iubit acele momente! Vă recomand tuturor cursuri de călărie!

45 thoughts on “Hey, Barbie!

  1. I love horse-riding and I’m amazed that you were able to put my own thoughts into words so well! Many people are afraid of horses because they are big animals, but when you’re close to them they just radiate positive energy. I’m glad you enjoyed your ride 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Every word you said is true. Big it is, yes, but kind and beautiful and tender. I had wonderful times and I hope I will have again this spring 🙂


  2. There is nothing quite like the feeling of being on a horse, they are such powerful amazing animals. We have developed such a loving bond with our horse Merlin, he is a huge part of our lives. Glad you got to experience horse riding Monica.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve always wanted to do the same and am happy to have enjoyed the experience vicariously through you. Thank you for sharing this, Monica 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Monica, this was a beautiful post. My wife loves horses and she tells me that a person gets a special feeling of calm when they ride one. I have never ridden a horse, but when it gets warmer I think I will go to a stable and ride one.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Woww ce frumos! Pe mine ma urcau bunicii la tara pe cal. Întotdeauna imi era frica dar mi-ar placea sa fac cursuri de calarie. E o senzație f faina cand ai control asupra situației

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: Haiku – Up in the saddle | look around!

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