Hoții din Viena – Thieves from Vienna






I have many beautiful memories from Vienna. One is linked to the visit to the beautiful and famous Danube Tower. I have said that I was there when I told you about the tree that I climbed (see post: I love to climb trees).

But let’s get back to my story… I arrived at the tower, got to the top and admired the view. Magnificent. Splendid shown above Vienna. Then, I was in the restaurant which is rotating around the axis of the tower to see the view of the city. Beautiful.


me in the Danube Tower

I took pictures and then got ready to go. On the way to the elevator I went to the girls’ room. Then I went down and I walked a little (5-6 minutes) through the gift shop. And… surprise!!! I realized that I did not have the mobile in the pocket. Wow! I remembered that at the toilet I’ve put it next to my backpack. And perhaps I have not got it. I quickly ran to the elevator and from there directly to the scene. I can not say it’s a very expensive phone, but not very cheap, too. I was happy when I found it. It was where I had left it, pushed a few centimeters onward. So, someone had seen him and put it well… :). And I thank him/her for that.

In conclusion, there are no thieves in Vienna. At least not when I went there and not at the Danube Tower.




panorama from Danube Tower


me in a tree 🙂

Am multe amintiri plăcute din capitala Austriei. Una dintre ele este legată de vizita la frumosul și faimosul Turn al Dunării. V-am mai spus că am fost acolo când v-am povestit de copacul în care m-am cățărat (vezi postarea: Ce-mi mai place să mă cațăr în copaci… ).

Dar să revenim… Am ajuns la turn, am urcat în vârf și am admirat priveliștea. Magnifică. Viena de sus se vede splendid. Am fost apoi în restaurantul care se învârte în jurul axei turnului pentru a vedea panorama orașului. Frumos.

Am făcut fotografii și apoi m-am pregătit de plecare. În drumul spre lift am trecut și pe la toaleta fetelor. Apoi am coborât și m-am plimbat un pic (vreo 5-6 minute) prin magazinul cu suveniruri. Și… Surpriză!!! Am realizat că nu am mobilul în buzunar. Wow! Mi-am amintit că la toaletă îl pusesem lângă rucsac. Și probabil că nu l-am luat. Am fugit repede la lift și de acolo direct la locul faptei. Nu pot spune că e un mobil foarte scump, dar nici foarte ieftin. M-am bucurat, însă, enorm când l-am găsit. Era acolo unde îl lăsasem, împins câțiva centimetri mai încolo. Deci cineva îl văzuse și… l-a pus bine :). Și îi mulțumesc pentru asta.

În concluzie, NU EXISTĂ HOȚI în Viena. Cel puțin nu la Turnul Dunării și nu atunci când am fost eu.

35 thoughts on “Hoții din Viena – Thieves from Vienna

    • On this blog I have a category called Vienna. You can see there a few attractions in Vienna. Arohii, you must not miss Zoo! It’s wonderful. It’s one of the oldest and most beautiful in Europe. It’s a beautiful city. Sorry I did not have time to write more about Vienna. Maybe until you leave I’ll give you more details. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Wow…You were fortunate that there are nice people in Vienna. =) It is on my places to visit, but perhaps not this year. I must find time to look at your Vienna posts….and learn about the tree climbing. It looks like you went pretty high in the tree. Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You have to visit Vienna, Christopher! It’s an amazing city.
      Tree climbing is easy when you pick a tree with many and big branches.
      I wanted to be high in the tree to see the panorama. It was beautiful 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • You’re probably right, although I was in Rome 2 years ago and I had no problem. Anyway, I pay attention to my stuff everywhere I go. 🙂


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