Begging for Love



She is Bubulina, my Daddy’s cat. The name comes from the two dots that she have on the right part of her body. Bulina-Bubulina 🙂 

She’s born 2 months earlier than me, 17 years ago. Only that she has 80 years in cats years. I do not see that. It’s as sporty as when she was little. And believe me, I know very well how she was. I always chased her around the house and I pulled her by the tail 🙂

She is a matchless glutton and a matchless beggar. But as she begs for food she begs for love. She asks me to sit down, on the chair that you see, just to climbs into my lap and purr.

She is Bubulina, my Daddy’s cat.

See, Bubu. I told you that I will write about you on my blog?


Ea e Bubulina, pisica lui tata. Numele vine de la cele două buline pe care le are pe partea dreaptă a corpului. Bulina-Bubulina 🙂

E născută cu 2 luni mai devreme ca mine, acum 17 ani. Doar că ea are în ani pisicești vreo 80 de ani. Nu se vede asta. E la fel de sportivă ca atunci când era mică. Și credeți-mă că știu bine cum era. Eu o alergam tot timpul prin casă și o trăgeam de coadă 🙂

Este o mâncăcioasă și o cerșetoare fără pereche. Dar cum cerșește mâncare, cerșește și dragoste. Se roagă de tine să stai jos, pe fotoliul pe care îl vedeți, doar pentru a ți se sui în poală și pentru a toarce.

Ea e Bubulina, pisica lui tata.

Vezi, Bubu, ți-am zis că o să scriu despre tine pe blog?

70 thoughts on “Begging for Love

  1. She is very sweet! From some angles she looks a little bit like our cat Minnie, who is also an old lady – eighteen years old! Minnie is very demanding and fussy, but of course we love her, even when she is driving us crazy…

    Liked by 3 people

  2. What a cutie she is! Clearly all the love she gets from you and your father leads to a long life. I have to look how old our cat is….I’m guessing 13. He too has lots of energy and wants lots of love…and food. Cheers!

    Liked by 3 people

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