Plătit nemțește – How Germans paid…




Let me tell you a story brought with me all the way from Vienna!

I was with my dad to a fancy terrace. The atmosphere there was very pleasant, good music, beautiful people, amazing waiters (seriously!). So everything was OK. Finally, my father asked the waiter for bill. And I heard for the first time this phrase: “Did you pay like Germans?”. I didn’t know what that means… Then Dad said, “She’s my daughter, not my girlfriend !!!”. And everything became clear. The Germans paid separately what they drink or eat.

But a new problem bothered me… “Do I look so old?”. Finally I realized that there was not enough light to see that I’m just a child.


fancy terraceHaideți să vă spun o poveste adusă cu mine tocmai de la Viena!

Eram cu tata la o terasă de fițe (sic!). Atmosfera de acolo era foarte placută, muzica bună, oamenii frumoși, chelnerii extraordinari (serios!). Deci totul a fost OK. La final, tata i-a cerut chelnerului nota de plată. Și atunci am auzit prima dată această expresie: “Plătiți nemțește?”. Eu nu știam ce înseamnă asta… Apoi tata a răspuns: “E fiica mea, nu prietena mea!!!”. Și totul a devenit clar. Nemții plătesc separat consumația, nu face bărbatul cinste.

În mintea mea apăruse, însă, o nouă problemă… „Așa bătrână arăt?”. La final m-am împăcat cu gândul că nu era suficientă lumină acolo încât să vadă că sunt un copil.

25 thoughts on “Plătit nemțește – How Germans paid…

  1. Hahaha But we know Germans caring for the society by ordering only that stuff which they can eat. No leftover on the plate. That’s great cauE for the humanity. I love that

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Funny! But it’s real through about Germans. One of my friend lives in Germany and she already shared experience about them. I also have a native German friend, when he comes to meet me, he even doesn’t have some thoughts about paying our food together! I do not know whether it’s right or not, they have these rules and we have to get used to them!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Oh now it all makes sense to me! When my German friend came to visit me two months ago, every time we eat outside, she would ask for me to go order my food first. Then after I get mine, she would get her own which was weird but I didn’t ask her why she does that. Haha. For us, when we eat outside together, we pay as one. 😀 Thank you for this, Monica! 🙂


  4. It’s really alien as far as INDIANs are concerned…We end up paying for each and every person sitting on a common table (whether we are meeting someone for the first time). That’s how we are! 😉

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  5. Nice post Monica. Does it bother you if I call you Monica. I like calling people by their proper name. My name is Andrew, never liked to be called Andy. I had no idea the Germans paid this way. Makes a lot of sense. Have a good day.

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