Obsesii – Obsessions



A common thing that I hear from everyone is “obsessions”. It sucks to be obsessed with something… But, we still can not live without obsessions… Although it is possible that many obsessions to be common, it’s different how we behave. As long as obsessions are normal, there are no unpleasant consequences.

My greatest obsession are mugs. I’m obsessed to have a lot of mugs! I do not know why I love them so much … But I hope it is something normal…

Everyone has an obsession. That’s better than being obsessed with someone. Being obsessed with someone is a huge problem!


mugs-01Un lucru comun, pe care l-am auzit la toți sunt “OBSESIILE”. E nasol să fii obsedat de ceva… Dar, totuși, nu putem trăi fără obsesii… Deși e posibil ca multe obsesii să fie comune, e diferit modul în care ne manifestăm. Atâta timp cât obsesiile sunt normale, nu cred că ar putea fi ceva grav cu consecințe neplăcute.

Cea mai mare obsesie a mea sunt cănile. Sunt obsedată să am cât mai multe căni! Nu știu de ce îmi plac așa mult… Dar sper că este ceva normal…

Fiecare om are o obsesie. E mai bine așa decât să fii obsedat de cineva. Atunci, ai o problemă!

14 thoughts on “Obsesii – Obsessions

  1. I agree about being obsessed with someone is truly NOT good or healthy! As for being obsessed with something … I prefer to say, “I am passionate” about my photography and writing. There are days though that I shake my head and say to myself … wow, do you ever quit? LOL Great post, my friend!! ❤

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